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Friday, June 3, 2016

Senior General Maha Thray Sithu Min Aung Hlaing confers titles of honour for accomplishments

Senior General Maha Thray Sithu Min Aung Hlaing confers title of honour for accomplishments on a winner.

Senior General Maha Thray Sithu Min Aung Hlaing and party together with title winners enjoy tea and snacks.

Nay Pyi Taw June 3

The word accomplishment carries a much broader sense as it comes only when we apply our ability and power effectively and practically. Only a person who can put into practical use his capability, opportunity and creativity can bring real success will become a high accomplisher. The government has conferred the titles of honour for military accomplishments to persons for serving their duties with immense ability under the noble conviction “for my country, for my countrymen and for the Tatmadaw” while keeping in the fore the Four Oaths of the Tatmadaw, declared Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Maha Thray Sithu Min Aung Hlaing at the ceremony to confer the titles of honour for military accomplishments held at Zeyathiri Parlour at 2 pm yesterday.

Present on the occasion were wife of the Senior General Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in- Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Thiri Pyanchi Soe Win and wife, the Union Minister for Defence and wife, the Joint Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) the Commander-in-Chief (Air) and wife, senior officers who have won the titles and their wives and senior military officers (Army, Navy and Air) of the Office of the Commanderin- Chief and their wives.

In connection with the conferring of the titles, the Senior General said the global countries are also conferring such titles under their own rules, principles and standards. This practice has many aims which include the work of inspiring people to admire and emulate, raising their morale, strengthening their spirit of protecting their country and race, boosting their will to serve the public interest, and encouraging people to become models in the national development and modernization endeavours. The combination of these aims bears witness to the Tatmadaw’s drive towards restoring national peace and stability, consolidating national unity and developing the nation and the people’s lives which are the objective requirements of the State.

As regards the birth of the Tatmadaw, the Senior General said the history of the Tatmadaw is also the history of the nation. The history of Myanmar will never complete without the word “Tatmadaw.” The Tatmadaw in fact is a unique establishment with significant characteristics. It was born together with the national independence struggle while the country was under servitude. 

The greatest hope and the strongest aspiration or in other words “the national political goal” was “independence” at that time. The public-aspired independence was regained after the Tatmadaw playing the leading role had waged many battles large and small with the involvement of the entire people. The fact that the Tatmadaw that emerged due to the national political requirement which actually is the independence freed the nation that had lost its sovereignty from servitude is an undeniable truth of the history.

As regards the national political role of the Tatmadaw, the Senior General said the national unity broke up and national peace and solidarity was lost after the independence was restored resulting from political, ideological, ethnical, racial and religious differences, which were the outcome of the over 100 years of colonial divide-and-rule policy. The success in protecting and freeing the country from terrible conditions during which Myanmar was even portrayed as a young country under the wild tempest is the brilliant accomplishment of the Tatmadaw. The Tatmadaw has been discharging duty as a duty national politics in national building and state building processes from the post-independence period to date while safeguarding the independence and sovereignty of the State. Therefore, the Senior General noted that the Tatmadaw, on its part, is bravely standing on its own by chant ing “the Tatmadaw shall never betray the national causes”. With regard to discharging State defence duty, the Senior General revealed that the Tatmadaw has been possessing significant characteristics in successive eras, and the Tatmadawmen had discharged their duties with noble sacrifices for the State, the people and the Tatmadaw. In the historical events from the period of independence struggles for the nation to date, the Tatmadawmen had made sacrifices of life, blood, sweat and limbs in the tasks for perpetuation of national sovereignty. The tasks to protect the territorial lands, air space, waters and underground regions of the mother land, interest of the people and their property are an inborn national duty for every citizen. The Union Tatmadaw formed with all Union people is carrying out the tasks with responsibility and accountability. The Senior General said that the Tatmadaw will clearly combat all attempts and organizations which can harm the Our Three Main National Causes by discharging the genuine national politics.

With respect to the belief and concept of the Tatmadawmen, the Senior General pointed out that all Tatmadawmen need to fully abide by the four oaths they recite daily. Every Tatmadawman should firmly believe that the Tatmadaw, which has been standing as the strong national force for politics up to now in the Myanmar history with the noblest tradition, the excellent performances and the brave capability, has high capability of Tatmadawmen in individuals and in groups. Therefore, the Senior General noted that it needs to focus on building the capability of Tatmadaw stronger. Every Tatmadawman is to harmoniously join hands with the people together with three pillars of the State in implementing the Tatmadaw’s policy on national politics—to restore peace and stability of the State, to ensure unity of citizens and to develop the State and the people.

The Senior General presented “Zeya Kyawhtin title” to Admiral Tin Aung San, Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, Lt-Gen Min Naung, Lt-Gen Mya Tun Oo, Lt-Gen Nyo Saw, Lt-Gen Lu Aye and senior military officers who won the titles of honour for military accomplishments awarded by the government.

Next, the title recipient senior military officers were served with tea and snacks. The Myawady music band presented songs to them.

“Zeya Kyawhtin” title is awarded to those who discharged military duty with excellent performance.The government released announcement No. 24/2016 on the list of title winners dated 1-3-2016. The government classified the titles as Thingaha title, honorary title and medal for gallantry and honorary title and medal for military accomplishments. The Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services himself conferred gallantry titles and medals on Tatmadaw officers and other ranks at Zeyathiri Parlour on 4 January 2016.

The Myawady Daily

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