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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Always make necessary preparations to serve national defence duty

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing cordially meets Tatmadawmen and families.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla present Bibles to Christian serviceman and wife.

Nay Pyi Taw March 20

Tatmadaw members are the persons who join the Armed Forces of own volition to serve the national defence duty. In shouldering the national defence duty lives and limbs are being sacrificed as and when necessary and constant preparations are being made to serve it. The Tatmadaw is conducting rank-wise trainings systematically, and the knowledge on military science provided by the trainings must be fully applied in the practical field, said Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at his meeting with officers, other ranks and families of Putao Station Yesterday evening.

The Senior General accompanied by wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, Union Minister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen Ye Aung, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Tin Aung San, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Maung Maung Kyaw, senior military officers of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army), Commander of Northern Command Maj-Gen Nyi Nyi Swe and Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Maj-Gen Aung Soe, arrived in Putao in the evening and was welcomed by departmental officials, national race leaders and local ethnic people.

At his meeting with officers, other ranks and families of Putao Station in Bandoola Hall, the Senior General said the present era sees technical development and also the evolution of military equipment and hardware. The Tatmadaw is also producing and using the military equipment and hardware in line with the advancing trend. Hence, soldiers must learn and practise military tactics that are in conformity with the advancing weapon systems. They will have to adapt the military tactics and science to the practical field, and all must work in accord with the motto – learn, train, obey.

In the Tatmadaw, wives of Tatmadawmen and family members are the major auxiliary force. Now internal armed conflicts remainunresolved in the country. So, wives of Tatmadawmen have to
undergo military training. It is found that they could fi ght back against insurgents systematically thanks to training. The Tatmadaw presented the certifi cate of honour to some wives who fought back against insurgents and will continue presenting it to them. It needs to maintain the fi ne traditions of Tatmadaw. Efforts are to be made to put the good history on the record.

Due to the country’s different political conditions, some are trying to incite hatred on the Tatmadaw. Efforts are being made to end ethnic armed confl icts as well as to ensure the stability of politics. Now the Tatmadaw is working to reach the eternal peace. It is impossible to solve the problems with arm struggle line when the country is marching towards the democracy system. 
Tatmadawmen need to safeguard the country and do for the regional development. Regarding the Bengali issue, the Senior General said Bengalis are born to those taken from Bengal region at a time when the country lost independence. They are totally different from ethnics in terms of appearance and culture. They are not Myanmar ethnics. The problem arises as they demand citizenship status citing they have been living in Myanmar for long. Bengalis threaten ethnics in that region and attacked locals as well as military headquarters and camps. Without knowing the real situations, the international community has made accusations that Bengalis are fleeing to other country due to Tatmadaw’s attacks. As most of the Bengalis who fled to other country were related to those involved in the terrorist attacks on the military headquarters and outposts and they were different in language and culture, their moves may depend on same language and culture. The Tatmadaw, being the armed forces representing the State, is solving the Bengali issues under the law.

The Senior General said as Putao region is diffi cult in transportation, the Tatmadaw is fulfi lling its requirements. The Senior General stressed the need to carry out agriculture managed by the military unit and manageable scale cultivation for food sector. It is necessary to provide assistance for the region and carry out regional development. Tatmadawmen are born of the people and the Tatmadaw is a united organization. So, the Tatmadaw must be reliable for the people and must give a helping hand to the people.

The Senior General and wife presented Buddha images made of various fl owers for offi cers, other ranks and families of the station and Bibles and foodstuffs to Christian servicemen. The wife of the Senior General gave cash to the fund of the Station Maternal and Child Welfare Association. The officers, other ranks and families of the station accepted the gifts. Union Minister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen Ye Aung, Commander- in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Tin Aung San and Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung of the Offi ce of the Commander- in-Chief (Army) presented fiction and non-fiction books,sports equipment and foodstuffs for officers, other ranks and families of the station to offi cials. After the meeting, the Senior General and party cordially greeted the officers, other ranks and families of the station who attended the meeting.


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