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Friday, February 24, 2017

Water birds drop at alarming rate: FFI

Yangon February 24

Water bird species are in need of urgent conservation as water birds population along the Ayeyawady River between Myitkyina and Sinbo are decreasing at an alarming rate, according to the Fauna and Flora International (FFI).

From 2003 to 2017, the number of seven species of water birds has declined to between 60 and 98 percent. Goose and crane populations see the highest dropping rate.

A decline in bird species population  is linked to the extension ofagricultural lands, gold mining and bird hunting. The FFI has warned that the pasture will disappear and the river will turn to the polluted one.

The FFI conducted a survey on bird species along the river between Myitkyina and Sinbo during this month. Other bird species remain unchanged even though the number of water bird species is dropping.

The biodiversity will revive when there is a systematic conservation. An expert from the FFI said: “The Ayeyawady River still serves as acrucial place for water birds. I think the river should be designated as a Ramsar Site under the protection of the International Ramsar Convention.”

The Myawady Daily

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