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Thursday, December 1, 2016

List of the killed & the injured in attacks by KIA, TNLA & MNDAA

Nay Pyi Taw December 1

Acco rding to the list of the killed and the injured in armed attacks by KIA, TNLA & MNDAA combined groups recently released by the Information Committee of the State Counsellor’s Office, three policemen, one people’s militiaman and 10 civilians — 14 in all — were killed. Eleven policemen, two staff members and 37 civilians were injured.

Nine firearms were lost or stolen from the police force. Two of those weapons have been recovered, it is learnt.

Casualty list in armed attacks by KIA, TNLA & MNDAA Combined Groups during the period 20/11/2016 to 30/11/2016 in Northern Shan State are provided hereunder:

The Myawady Daily

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