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Monday, August 24, 2015

Senior General gives interview to Asahi Shimbun

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing gives an interview to head of Yangon branch 
of the Asahi Shimbun of Japan Mr. Makoto Igarashi at Bayintnaung villa.

Nay Pyi Taw August 23

Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing gave an interview to head of Yangon branch of the Asahi Shimbun of Japan Mr. Makoto Igarashi at Bayintnaung villa here at 10 am on 21 August.

Asahi Shimbun: First I want to ask a question about the recent incident. Last week, there was leadership change at Union Solidarity and Development Party- USDP. Is there any involvement ofTatmadaw in this case? There are news pointing out the presence of Defence Ministry and some troops. 

Senior General: I say there is no involvement of Tatmadaw. It is just an inner party affair. It’s the party’s own affair. The presence of Tatmadaw vehicles is not true. And there is no reason for those cars to go there. Doubts appear because of the party members who are happened to be retired senior military officers. As they have already retired from the military, they are paving their own way. They have no involvement with the Tatmadaw. It is the domestic affair of that party.

Q: Does the Tatmadaw support this change? Because USDP is connected with Tatmadaw.

A: In fact, it is their work of stabilizing their own party. As for Tatmadaw it acknowledges the work of any party trying to stabilize itself. We favor any work of any party to improve itself, not only this particular organization. 

Q: After the change President U Thein Sein is still the party chairman, and U Shwe Mann was removed from joint chairman position. Why? Your comments, please.

A: I have no detail knowledge about the matter as it is their internal affair. They may have their own reasons. So this incident might be based on those reasons. Sorry, I do not wish to make any comments. 

Q: On that day (12 August) USDP announced assignment list concerning the election. There was a request of Tatmadaw to allow 159 of its members to participate in the election as representatives of the party. But only 59 were accepted. Some speculate that there was dissatisfaction because of this.

A: It is not true. It has no concern with the incident. Not only USDP has retired servicemen. There are statements announcing the participation of retired servicemen as candidates of other parties too. It is their wish. I have no concern with their choice. But no in-service military personnel can join a political party. As for retired servicemen, they can join any organization depending on the decision of that organization. I cannot make any limitations.

Q: If not accepted where will you send them?

A: That’s only according to their wish.

Q: I see that the general elections in the coming November is very important. Can we assume that Tatmadaw will support USDP in the elections? 

A: Not as the Tatmadaw but as a soldier he of his own volition can vote a candidate he sees as the one who actually services the country’s interest and does well for it. Tatmadaw cannot make any instruction to approve or disapprove any one. In voting there is individual right. So, who he chooses depends on his wish.

Q: After the election in 2015, a new government will be formed in 2016. According to constitution Tatmadaw will take 25 percent of seats in the parliament. The Tatmadaw MPs also have the right to choose a vice president. Whom does the Tatmadaw wish to elect or favor for this place in the next government?

A: We haven’t decided yet. Because we have to consider this and our consideration will depend on the election results. What the Tatmadaw representative group should take into account is that the nominated person must be a trusted person who serves the country well. He must seriously keep in the fore Our Three Main national Causes – non-disintegration of Union; non-disintegration of national solidarity; and perpetuation sovereignty. He must be the person who understands the Tatmadaw well. He must have the four outlooks – political outlook, administrative outlook, economic outlook, and defence outlook. It will be better if we can get a person like him. But it does not mean that he must be that person. If we can get a person like him, it will be much beneficial for the country. So we have decided to find and elect such person.

Q: I think President U Thein Sein has all those qualifications. How do you see him?

A: We will not say anything in advance. If something goes wrong someone will say that we are not “A man of his words”. So, we are not going to state any of our options concerning the nominee. This is our stand.

Q: We hope the coming elections to be free and fair. Some say that NLD led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has good prospects. But NLD has no experience in forming a government. This has caused some public concern. The Tatmadaw also has any concerns?

A: We have nothing to worry. If a party I mean any party wins majority vote and has the capacity to do the job it will have to work according to the law. The Tatmadaw will be shouldering its duties in accord with the constitution and respective laws. The party that wins majority has the right to form government. It can be a single party or two parties or coalition. I cannot say exactly. It will have to work according to law. In democracy nothing will happen if you worry about all those things. The important thing is mutual trust and understanding in discharging duties.

Q: Right Sir! If NLD wins, will the Tatmadaw honor and accept the results?

A: It depends on confirmation of Union Election Commission. When the elections are completed, UEC will ask necessary questions (any complaints). It’s the procedure. We cannot disagree with the UEC announcement. We must accept it. UEC has already made every arrangement to conduct its job correctly. So we have nothing to argue with this. We must agree with it. There is no way we cannot accept the announcement made by UEC after making the right decision. 

Q: Glad to hear this, Sir. According to Constitution, Tatmadaw has the right to participate in politics. I mean in national politics. It can take 25 percent of seat in parliament. President elects the ministers. But commanderin- chief also has the right to choose three ministers. There is the part that Tatmadaw is leading the national political role. But there are criticisms from outside saying that it is undemocratic. So, we want to know the time when Tatmadaw concentrates only on its main duty.

A: Concerning the democracy, Myanmar adopts a system that suites to it. There are no universal rules in democracy. Currently, many countries are practicing democracy. Only few are under single party system, and these countries even declare that theirs is single party democracy. So Myanmar is on its own way of democratization. The country has chosen the way that is the most suitable system at present. So it is not fair to say that the selection of the ministers for defence, border affairs and home affairs by the commander-in-chief is undemocratic. We are adopting this system in accord with national situation. There are similar provisions in other countries, but under different interpretations. There are stipulations concerning the assignment of duties in the governments and parliaments under their own constitutions which may include specific provisions. Myanmar has its own constitution. There may be differences among the countries. So it is unfair to say that we are undemocratic. It is one part. Another part is when we study history we can see that we have little experience in democracy or multiparty democracy. There are many factors. We become mature and become peaceful and stable. For example, if the armed conflict ends there will be no harm to Our Three Main National Causes. So, I think we may be able to do our own job.

Q: In what situation Tatmadaw will leave politics?

A: I have already answered this.

Q: Yes sir.

A: This will depend on the nation’s changing situation. If I say that it will take five years or ten years, and the situation remains uncertain till that time, my words will become empty promises. If we can make a final decision as the ethnic minorities and political activists agree, and can start earlier there can be criticism against us. So it depends much on the changing situation. If the changes are fast it will happen earlier. And if the changes are slower it will take more time.

Q: So you cannot say the exact year?

A: I cannot say it. I want it to happen it sooner. So we are trying hard to restore peace. I believe that there should be no armed takeover of the state power or armed involvement in the administrative machinery in a democracy. I have already stated this again and again. So, Tatmadaw transferred the power, and is discharging duties under the Constitution. Even the ministries of defence, border affairs and homes affairs are making decision of own volition. We have no involvement, although we appointed them (ministers). We provide necessary assistance to them. We cooperate with home affairs ministry in the security measures; and with border affairs ministry in regional development undertakings. You can ask the ministry concern to know what I am saying here is whether true or false. As for the defence ministry, it cooperates with us in matters in connection defence, and work together with other institutions in matters concerning with the government or the nation. Assignments are divided in this way. As we are shouldering our own duties, there is nothing to worry about this.

Q: Can we assume that constitutional amendment is impossible at present?

A: The main thing is who will amend which part of the constitution. If the current democracy or the people including ethnics are in harm’s way, there should be necessary amendments. It must be reasonable. The military never says that constitution is unamendable. Any law including constitution needs changes at an appropriate time. Your country Japan also has constitution. How do you make amendments? How does the US introduce constitutional amendments? How do others amend their constitutions? Actually, making legal amendments without serious consideration is a bad idea. Views from all angles are taken into account in drafting a law. Sometimes outdated provisions are amended. We are applying laws that were drawn during the colonial times or early post-independence era. We have to make amendments to outdated parts. At one time, amendments will have to be made to the outdated provisions of the constitution currently in force. In my view, it is not disturbing to the current democracy path at present.

Q: Yes, Sir. What I mean is section 436 or the 25 percent.

A: I see. “As for section 436 (a) it needs over 75 percent yes vote. Which particular section can be amended? As for section 436 (a) it needs the parliament approval after collecting 75 yes votes”. These are current problems. And there is another one, which says “These provisions cannot be amended because of the involvement of the 25 percent military MPs.” The section 436 (a) has much impact on the national peace and stability and reforms. If there are changes in the situation or task of Tatmadaw due to political stability no one will discuss the amendment of section 436. You will be even worried about amending the section. Whether it may be right or wrong, it is my supposition. There must be something to maintain a law, especially against making amendments or additions without serious consideration. Actually, section 436 is a stipulation contained in the Chapter XII that concerns with constitutional amendments. But if the situation changes, you will no longer see this section as the main stipulation. It is our calculation. As for the country, we always make consideration from all points of view. Our actions are never based on casual thinking. We are always serious. What I have explained you here is one of the outcomes of our wide array of detailed discussions.

Q: What you have explained I think is concerned with the peace process. Now you are preparing to sign the NCA. After that political dialogue will follow, right?

A: Yes, you are right.

Q: Can I say that Tatmadaw will leave the political sector after eternal peace has been restored through the political dialogue. 

A: Yes. That must be the way.

Q: So I would like to ask about the peace process.

A: Yes. Carry on.

Q: As the draft for nationwide peace agreement has already completed, only signing stage is left. Some ethnic groups are saying that they want the commander-in-chief to sign the agreement. So you have any plans to sign it?

A: Concerning the signing of the NCA, the willingness on the part of ethnics is also important. It is the first point. We have the Union Peacemaking Central Committee, with President as the Chairman. I am a member. So, the committee is led by President. When the NCA is signed the leadership of President will be more vital. What matters is the validity of the signed agreement, not the person who signs it. The important thing is to acknowledge it. This does not mean that I will not sign it. What I mean is we are working under the President’s leadership.

(To be continued)

The Myawady Daily, Page (16)


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