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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

" A Good Legacy "

" A Good Legacy "

= Maung Than Weik =

Since taking office, the government has been endeavouring to fulfill two main wishes of the entire people. Of course, the people want to live in peace and stability, and that is their first wish. With this public wish in mind, the government has been giving priority to political process for national reconsolidation and eternal peace.

Placing people’s wish in the fore, it has paved the way for all the stakeholders to have a place in the political process with national reconsolidation and eternal peace as the core. Accordingly, it has adopted the “all-inclusive political process” in the interest of the Union and the people. Thanks to this political process we can now see the domestic forces in all spheres of the Union trying with enthusiasm to serve the interest of the country and the people as per the democratic principles within the framework of the Constitution.

Moreover, the government’s sincere peace initiatives are showing sound results as many of the armed national races groups are now at different levels of peace process.

After peace and stability, what else? It’s the prosperity people also want. However, the country cannot enjoy prosperity without robust national economic growth. Consequently, the government is introducing economic reforms to fulfill the second wish of the people – national development couple with healthy economy.

The reforms cover the emergence of a market economic system suitable to the nation’s objective conditions. Besides, short- and long-term projects have been adopted for fl ourishing of macroeconomy.  Meanwhile, the government is trying to increase the population of middle class the key force behind economic and democratic reforms apart from creating a sound economic environment by inviting technical knowhow, financial investment, expertise and management internally and internationally. The purpose is to improve per capita income of the grassroots, create more job opportunities and develop the whole national economic structure in various sectors.

The government understands well that the degree of stability and durability of its reform process will become the legacy for the future successive governments.

Accordingly, sine qua non of the government’s reform process is to fulfill the people’s wishes and to leave behind a good legacy for the posterity.


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