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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Peace process believed to achieve total success

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing presents gift to Saw Moe Shay of KKO.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing presents gift to Saw Yin Nu of KNU/KNLA (PC).

Nay Pyi Taw August 4

Both sides have already accepted the notion that frequent engagements enhance mutual trust through greater knowledge on each other’s position. We believe that we shall firmly move forward our ongoing peace process by exchanging views at the engagements. I believe that peace process will achieve total success, said Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing during his meeting with four ethnic armed groups at Bayintnaung villa, here at 11 am today. The groups have signed the pledge on peace and national reconciliation on 12 February (Union Day) this year.

Present together with the Senior General were Deputy Commanderin- Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice- Senior General Soe Win, Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Hla Htay Win, senior military officers of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army). Chairman of Karen National Union- KNU Saw Mutu Sae Poe and party, Saw Yin Nu and party of KNU/ KNLA (PC), Saw Moe Shay and party of KKO, and Sai La and party of RCSS/SSA were also present.

In his discussions, the Senior General also said, mutual trust is the most important requirement. Since the very start of peace process, the Tatmadaw’s firm stance is that it really wants peace, and that development can be brought only through national peace and stability. All have already accepted the current multiple party democracy. There may be political conditions which are against the wish of certain persons. We should find the answer to these problems through negotiations. Sincerely, our stand is on where we should be in the future without any intention to take any advantage. Our scope shouldn’t be just on our nation. We should think internationally or globally. We will be in a narrow frame if we only focus on our internal affairs. We should keep in mind the international standard in striving for progress with history and location as fundamental factors. I believe that today’s meeting will be a firm step to reach a certain stage. It is assumed that concerns may be the cause that is slowing down the further steps going forward. The government and the Tatmadaw in accord with their stance are serving the interest of the entire state inclusive of every country folk without making any discrimination based on ethnicity, community, wealth, social status or vulnerability. 

Saw Mutu Sae Poe said the path to peace is straight because of the cooperation that is free from all advantage-seeking acts. We dare say that we are on the correct path. We are now at the crossroads of the path. We cannot allow any blockages against the ceasefire that is a part of the peace process. We all must find the answer. The time has arrived for the good leaders focusing on the interest of the nation and the people to make a clear decision between black and white. The stand of KNU is to strive for restoring a durable peace through talks after signing the NCA.

KNU Secretary Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo Win, central executive member Saw Tah Doh Moo, political and military adviser to the chairman Saw Htoo Htoo Lay, Saw Yin Nu of KNU/KNLA (PC), Saw Moe Shay of KKO, and Sai La of RCSS/SSA presented the ongoing discussions on reintegration process in connection with security of the ceasefire agreement for the entire country, the approval of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and the work of the EITI, matters relating to political, military and social guarantee the concern of the ethnic armed groups, and the time table for signing armed conflicts termination agreement and political dialogue. Lt-Gen Myint Soe, Lt-Gen Khin Zaw Oo and Lt-Gen Ye Aung of the Office of the Commanderin- Chief (Army) explained in detail DDR, SSR procedures which are reintegration process in connection security.

The Senior General said in connection with political guarantee, the main requirement in marching towards federal-based union system through multiple party democracy is to develop the nation with ethnic unity. Political guarantee can be provided as there is no discrimination against any ethnic race. Military guarantee can be assured for groups that signed the ceasefire agreement. There will be no problem if the remaining groups that have not signed the ceasefire agreement yet, observe the peace policy of the Tatmadaw. The onus is on them. Social guarantee involving food, clothing, shelter, and economy must be carried out without fail. We must implement the DDR ,SSR or the SSR, DDR in any circumstance. Trust is the main important requirement. The process needs trust and time. Concerning EITI, there are local concerns. Something that is beneficial both to the region and nation must be implemented. Broader view on the country is required. Three factors - trust, sincerity, true promises - are important in signing the peace agreement. The agreement will be signed if peace is restored through sincere and correct efforts. The Tatmadaw will make best efforts for peace. 

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing waving at members of ethnic armed groups.
The meeting ended at 1.45 pm. After presenting gifts to the members of ethnic groups, the Senior General posed for documentary photo together with them.

The Myawady Daily, Page(18)


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