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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Flood victims in Aphyauk, Taikkyi township, Yangon Region, comforted and provided with aids

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets local people.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing inspects stone inscriptions of Three Pitakas.

Nay Pyi Taw August 6

Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing accompanied by Commanderin- Chief (Navy) Admiral Thura Thet Swe, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Khin Aung Myint, senior military officials of the office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army), arrived at Yangon airport at 3 pm yesterday. They were welcomed by Chief Minister of Yangon Region U Myint Swe, Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Tun Tun Naung, and senior military officials at the airport.

At the airport lounge the commander presented a report on the flowing of flood waters into Aphyauk town in Taikkyi township, Yangon Region due to swollen Ayeyawady River, distribution of relief aids. The Senior General looked into the requirements.

In the evening the Senior General and party flew to Aphyauk on board relief supply helicopters and arrived at Uru village. On arrival at Aphyauk, they were welcomed by Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation U Khin Zaw, region ministers, region MPs, departmental personnel and local elders. The Deputy Minister explained dam reinforcement at Aphyauk reservoir. Later, means were sought to prevent floods at present and in the future.

The Senior General and party visited and gave words of encouragement to Tatmadawmen, police members, volunteers reinforcing the two-mile long Aphyauk bund. They presented cash assistance and food to volunteers. 

They then paid obeisance and offered flowers, water and lights to the Mahathan Tazaunggyi Pagoda in the town. They donated cash for the pagoda, and signed in the visitor’s book. While inspecting the place where the stone inscriptions of the Three Pitakas are kept, they promised to take part in the work of systematically preserving the inscriptions.

The 720 Pitaka stone inscriptions on Sutta, Viniya, Abhidhamma are kept in five chambers at the 90-year old pagoda.

At Taikkyi township basic education high school, the Senior General and party met locals and gave words of encouragement. The Senior General said beginning second week of July adverse weather changes have triggered floods and also typhoons in China that brought torrential rains to Kachin and Chin states, and Sagaing Region in northern Myanmar. Storms in the Bay of Bengal also generated high tides and continuous rains causing floods in Bago, Yangon, Ayeyawrady regions of lower Myanmar. People will have to pay a heavy price for lack of awareness. They must keep this in mind. Weakness in lifestyles may also bring adverse consequences. So the role of local elders is vitally important. Difficulties can be overcome through collective efforts under their leadership. If the people, the government and the Tatmadaw cooperate in unity they can overcome all the difficulties. With the commitment to save the lives and property of the people, the Tatmadaw is using the full capacity of manpower and equipment power including vehicles, aircraft, helicopters, war vessels in carrying out relief work and providing aids in the flooded areas with all-out efforts. We can successfully overcome the difficulties with the cooperation of the locals.

The Senior General and the chief minister provided financial assistance and foodstuffs, and cordially comforted the flood victims.

Due to continuous rains and the rising water level of the Ayeyawrady, flood waters flowed into some villages in Aphyauk town in Taikkyi township, Yangon Region. Hence 275 victims of the villagers were kept at a relief camp in Pyay Zawtikayon monastery in Taikkyi. They are being provided with food, water and cloths.

The Myawady Daily, Page(18)


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