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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Growing foreign demand for Myanmar’s bamboo scratch pics and mosaics

Yangon May 21

The foreign demand for bamboo scratch pictures and mosaics depicting Myanmar traditional culture has increased significantly, said U Than Aung, owner of Myanmar traditional handicrafts shop.

The rising demand has directly benefitted the painters, who previously had to wait buyers to get their paintings sold out. Painters now are hired for monthly salary plus commission on paintings he

“Previously, we chose the paintings of artists and paid for works we bought. But now, as the foreign demand has increased, we hire artists with monthly salary. We ask them to draw according to the samples we provide. We also give commission. So, this is beneficial to both us. In the past, they could sell their paintings only when there were buyers.

Although bamboo scratch paintings were not so popular among foreigners previously, they then receive growing interests from foreigners as the paintings are drawn to their tastes, said the painters.

“It is very interesting to scratch out bamboo paintings. In the past, we drew our culture and foreign buyers were not much interested in it. Then, Japanese tourists came and we draw their tradition in front of them. Then, there have been constant orders from Japan. And Korea and Dubai in Asia also place orders so do Germany, US and England from Europe,” said bamboo scratch painter U Myint Han.

Thailand is the major buyer of Myanmar’s mosaics, with increasing demand from China and Japan while only US and England are the Europe countries that buy Myanmar’s mosaics.

The price of a mosaic varies between 10,000 kyats and 200,000 kyats according to size and that of a bamboo scratch painting is between 5,000 kyats and 20,000 kyats.

Htet Nay


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