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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Vice-Senior General Soe Win meets Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict

Vice-Senior General Soe Win holds talks with Ms. Virginia Gamba, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.

Nay Pyi Taw May 29

Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commanderin-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win met a delegation led by Ms. Virginia Gamba, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, at the parlour of Bayintnaung Villa here yesterday evening.

Also present at the meeting together with the Vice-Senior General were senior military officers of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army). Ms. Virginia Gamba was accompanied by Joint-Chair Mr. Knut Ostby and officials.

At the call, both sides had a cordial discussion on non-involvement of underage children in armed conflicts, the remaining works to end the Plan of Action which is being implemented in cooperation with UNCTFMR (United Nations Country Task Force on Monitoring and Reporting) for the removal of Myanmar from the list of countries with child soldiers by the UN, the implementation in accord with Action Plan after the Plan of Action has been signed, Tatmadaw’s education and training to eliminate the use of child soldiers and efforts made by the government and MPs for the rapid emergence of the Child Rights Law that will bar child confl icts and use.

After the meeting, Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Ms. Virginia Gamba, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Confl ict and party posed for documentary photo.


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