
Friday, November 25, 2016

Two killed, one injured by armed groups

Nay Pyi Taw November 25

An artillery shell fired by armed groups killed a civilian father and his son and injured the other son Wednesday evening in Honar village in Namkham township, northern Shan State, according to the Information Committee of the State Counsellor’s Office.

The shell was fired by the KIA, TNLA and MNDAA, the committee said.

The artillery shell dropped onto the roof of U P Kai Sho’s house, instantly killing U P Kai Sho and his son P Kat Sao. The other son P Kai Kyone was injured. The severity of P Kai Kyone’s injury could not be determined.

The administrator of Kaungkak village and a team sent P Kai Kyone to Namkham Hospital for medical treatment, it was reported.

The Myawady Daily

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