
Monday, November 28, 2016

Humanitarian aid delivered to Maungtaw

Nay Pyi Taw November 28

The union government, state government and international organisations are delivering humanitarian aid and cash to internally displaced persons who have been forced into relief camps.

Security forces have conducted area clearance operations in Maungtaw District since a border guard police command centre and a number of police posts were attacked by violent armed men on 9 October in order to recover looted weapons and to arrest those suspected of involvement in the assaults. During the clearance operations, villagers fled their villages in fear of the attackers.

In partial compensation for their hardship, a total of 1,084 bags of rice, 2,169 visses of edible oil, 2,169 visses of salt, 2,169 visses of pulses and beans and 93,198 tins of fish were delivered to IDPs as well as security forces by the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, while Rakhine State Government provided them with 4,000 bags of rice, 1,000 visses of Nganitu dried fish, 8,487.5 gallons of fuel oil, 30 harvesting machines, five generators and Ks100,000 each to families who fled to Maungtaw and Sittway. Additionally, the Ministry of Border Affairs provided 250 bags of rice worth Ks7.5 million, Ks3.6 million for the families of the nine fallen members of security forces, Ks1 million for personnel injured on 11 November and Ks36 million for construction of ten new security posts in Maungtaw.

International organisations such as the WFP, the UNHCR and the UNOCHA provided food for two weeks, including 1,011 bags of rice, 89.5 bags of pulses and beans, 3,688 litres of edible oil and 394 visses of salt from 8 to 10 November for Kyetyoepyin, Ngasaekyu, Pyaungpeik and Wapeik villages.

The Myawady Daily

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