
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Anti-smuggling efforts directed in Taninthayi waters

The clampdown is set to launch in the territorial water of Taninthayi Region in mid-June.

Yangon June 18

Anti-smuggling mobile teams and maritime police will spearhead a clampdown on smuggling in the territorial waters of Taninthayi Region, said Anti-Smuggling Central Committee.

The clampdown is set to launch in mid-June on smugglers of any goods within Taninthayi Region’s waters.

An official from Anti-Smuggling Central Committee said: “We will conduct anti-smuggling campaign on a wider scale. We also have specific plan targeting places in Kachin and Shan states where illegal logging is rampant. Three anti- smuggling mobiles teams are assigned on the main routes to China.”

The latest plan is intended to curb with smuggling across the border with Thailand. The antismuggling mobile teams seized around 6 billion USD in smuggled gems and jade, wood, and other consumer products. Gems and jade accounted for around 4 billion USD of the total.

In cooperation with anti-smuggling mobile teams, Customs Department is also seizing smuggled goods airports and ports. The anti-smuggling mobile teams seized nearly 30,000 million kyats in smuggled goods from July 2014 to the fi rst week of March 2015.

There were a total of 5,006 cases of smuggling during the period and 1,847 cases took place on the Muse route to China.

Lin Thu


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