
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Motorboat seized, 11 arrested in Naf River, Rakhine State

Left: The arrested motorboat. Right: The 11 people suspected of illegally crossing countries.

Nay Pyi Taw February 22

Tatmadaw (Navy) seized an illegal motor-boat in the Naf River as it was heading to Bangladesh Monday evening.

The security forces found the boat during routine patrol at about 4:40 pm and arrested the 11 men on board who were believed to be going to a neighbouring country illegally.

They are Ko Ni Mula, 35, from Apaukwa village in Kyauktaw Township; Armin Nu Hauk, 18, from Khaung Toke village; Sidi Armauk, 40, and Akiyar, 35, from Phatkon; Nay Nasae, 57, from Wakan village; Yark Mina, 16, and Nu Yar Sizar, 2, from Hla Saung Kauk village; Marmuk Nu Lan, 31, from The’ Chaung village in Sittway Township; La Luu,  26, from Pauktaw Township; Gum Hu Saung, 42, from Than Tat Khali village in Punnagyun Township and Hadi Nula, 32, from Thati village.

Security forces have arranged to hand over the 11 suspects to Myoma Police Station in Sittway.

The Myawady Daily

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