
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Two local residents injured by KIA landmine

A victim injured by a landmine laid by KIA

Nay Pyi Taw November 30

Two local residents were seriously injured on Monday afternoon in the explosion of a landmine that had been planted by a KIA armed group in Shweku township, Kachin State, according to the Office of the Commander- in-Chief of Defense Services.

U Maung Myo of Hmataing village in Katha township, Sagaing Region lost his legs as a result of the explosion. U Zin Maung Soe of Hopin township was hit in the chest and neck by shrapnel. Both were hospitalized for major injuries. The two men had gone to Hopin, Kachin State to cut sugar cane plants when U Maung Myo stepped on the KIA landmine near Namlan.

The Myawady Daily

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