
Sunday, September 25, 2016

Spending lots of time, financial power and manpower in conducting training exercises is to brilliantly shoulder national defence duty

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing hears clarification of the map military drill by the joint military drill leader.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing views equipment displayed for joint military drill.

Anti-terrorism troops jumping off from a helicopter.

Photo shows cannon firing.

Nay Pyi Taw September 25

Spending lots of time, financial power and manpower in conducting training exercises is to brilliantly shoulder the national defence duty which is the main task of the Tatmadaw. The main objective of the current military drill is to launch a conventional warfare against an external enemy. Defence missions and warfare require constant preparations and trainings as they cannot be carried out haphazardly. Every individual and unit must undergo tough training to have better combat prowess and fighting capacity, declared Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at his meeting with officers and other ranks of the joint military drill of the Tatmadaw (Army) (Air), artillery and armoured vehicle troops.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing inspected the joint military drill of the Tatmadaw (Army) (Air), artillery and armoured vehicle troops conducted with the aim of enhancing national defence capacity of the Tatmadaw at Meiktila Station this morning. Present together with the Senior General were Deputy Commanderin- Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Commander- in-Chief (Air) General Khin Aung Myint, senior military officers of the Office of the Commanderin Chief, commandants of the Tatmadaw advanced training schools, officer trainees of National Defence College and Command and General Staff College and the local media persons.

At the briefing hall of the observation deck of the training ground, the Senior General and party heard a report on points of the war games presented by drill leaders.

Then the drill began according to its agenda. Infantry troops and armoured vehicle troops marched from the rear headquarters to the frontline assembly area and then to the dispersal point and finally to the forming up place.

Meanwhile, the airborne troops carried out activities such as preparing to raid and combing the enemy’s logistic bases. The anti-terrorist squad raided the enemy’s communications and radar stations. The aircraft and fighters from the Tatmadaw (Air force) crushed the enemy’s targets in advance. Then followed the firing of cannons, a series of missiles and heavy weapons by the infantrymen. Later, the infantry and armoured troops carried out stepby- step raids and occupied the target enemy bases.

Then, the joint military exercise concluded with the artillery troops launching their artillery attacks, the combat troops carrying out raids, blocking the enemy troops from escaping, carrying the casualties in ambulances, airlifting the emergencypatients and dropping arms and ammunitions and food rations from the aircraft.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing delivered a speech on the joint military exercise from an observation deck. He said reviews and feedback based on experiences gained from such military exercise contribute a lot to the effort for building the Tatmadaw into a standard army.

Although all machinery and vehicles including fighters, aircraft, chained military vehicles and wheeled military vehicles had much difficulty with their operations during the exercise due to weather conditions, they managed to overcome all the difficulty. In a battlefield also, such difficulty could be faced at any time so preparations and exercise are required how to overcome it.

Air attacks are inevitable in modern war. The capability to carry out precise attacks on the targets in sync with the use of various fighters and aircraft and provide supporting fire for the ground troops is due to persistent training and cooperation. Planes and aircraft must be used to the best of their ability and they also need to be powerful enough.

As to the importance of tank troops, the Senior General said this joint military exercise is of crucial importance to Myanmar as her geographical location creates sound conditions for the operation of tank troops. It is also necessary to promote the calibre of tank troops. The concept of military operation between air force and army troops based on combined ground-air firing power and manoeuvre, including firing power of artillery troops is the basis of a conventional war waged in thwarting the alien danger.

Better logistic support can make sure 50 per cent success of the military operation. Emphasis should be placed on the support and transport of vehicles, mechanized vehicles, arms, ammunition, ration, fuel and drinking water on military grounds. In addition, medical force is to be profi cient in the rescue of injured ones from the military grounds, military code of conduct at the times when the Tatmadawmen cannot distinguish whether someone is a friend or an enemy and cannot designate someone as an enemy on military ground. If not, the Tatmadawmen would face legal actions in accord with the laws, the Senior General said.

The essence of the whole military exercise is harmonious cooperation of infantry, airforce, artillery, armour and all other supporting forces. Mutual trust, the exactness and respect of time and harmonious cooperation are seen as the advantage of the joint military drill. All forces are to make coordination by taking lessons from advantages and disadvantages of this joint military exercise. The Tatmadaw would become a skillful one equipped with better combat capacity and power, the Senior General said. Afterwards, the Senior General presented cash awards to military offi cers and members from infantry and supporting arms, who took part in the joint military drill, at the observation deck. The Senior General cordially greeted local reporters who cover news on the military exercise. (100) 

The Myawady Daily

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