
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Exporters hope for sending cashew products to foreign markets

Pathein June 2

Merchants arrange to export cashew products from Ayeyawady Region to foreign markets, said cashew merchants and those from cashew market in Pathein.

At present, local growers send their products to cashew companies in Yangon and the market in Pathein. More than 1,200 acres of lands are placed under cashew plants in Thabaung township. 

Growers from these plantations sell their products to the brokerages in Pathein. Likewise, eleven cashew brokerages and one finished product workshop are operating their businesses for sending raw cashews to Yangon.

At present, local merchants open purchase centres to buy cashew at urban prices. They plan to produce the finished products for exportation purpose.

The cashew finished product business was operated in 2015 with 25 labourers. In 2016, the business extended about 40 labourers in production. The merchants plan to store about 150,000 viss of raw cashew this year so as to manufacture finished products and to send about 3,000 kilos of cashew to Yangon per month.

Before storage, the raw cashew must be dried up for about five days. Then, the seeds are to be steamed and then heated about 12 hours. After that, the cashew seeds are to be milled to produce the finished cashew products.

At the work, helpers can earn K1,500 to K2,000 per day while experienced workers, K3,000-K4,000 per day.

The finished products of cashew are classified as first, second and third classes in the market.

Confectionery owners in Yangon and Mandalay and other food stalls use cashew products to be used in Htomont traditional snacks, foodstuffs and Biryani. (336)

Yadanarpon Daily

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