
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Thai Chief of Defence Forces ceremonially welcomes Senior General Min Aung Hlaing

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and Chief of Defence Forces of the Royal Thai Armed Forces General Sommai Kaotira inspect Guard of Honour of Royal Thai Armed Forces.

Nay Pyi Taw May 26

Chief of Defence Forces of the Royal Thai Armed Forces General Sommai Kaotira held a welcoming ceremony for Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at the headquarters of Royal Thai Armed Forces at 11.25 am local standard time yesterday.

First, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing arrived at the headquarters where he was accorded was welcomed by General Sommai Kaotira and high-ranking military officers. Next, they went to the dais and took the salute of the Guard of Honour of Royal Thai Armed Forces. They then inspected the Guard of Honour and introduced the senior military officers from the two countries to each other. The Senior General signed the visitors’ book of the headquarters of Royal Thai Armed Forces. Later, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and General Sommai Kaotira held talks at the hall of the headquarters. Also present at the meeting together with the Senior General were members of the Myanmar Tatmadaw goodwill delegation, Myanmar Ambassador to Thailand U Win Maung and Myanmar Military Attaché (Army, Navy and Air) Brig-Gen Chit Swe. The Thai General was accompanied by Deputy Chief of Defence Forces, RTARF (2) Admiral Prasan Sukkaset, Deputy Chief of Defence Forces, RTARF (3) Air Chief Marshal Tawon Maneepluek and senior military officers.

At the meeting, the Thai Chief of Defence Forces expressed thanks to the Myanmar goodwill delegation, saying that he was proud of meeting the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services as the Senior General of the Myanmar Tatmadaw is an important person not only for Tatmadaw but also for Myanmar. He said it was the first time the delegation had been welcomed by the cavalry.

Speaking on the occasion, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing extended thanks to the Thai General for giving a warm welcome. The friendship between the two countries had been further cemented as the leaders of Thai Defence Forces (Army, Navy and Air) visited Myanmar many times as their Myanmar counterparts did. The issues in mutual interest had been more successful thanks to the amicable relationship. As the year 2011 saw a political change in Myanmar, the Tatmadaw cooperated with the government so as to facilitate the country’s political setting. Now, the new government has come for the second term and the Tatmadaw has to be preparing for state peace and progress based on the new government’s policy. The Senior General said his country has many challenges as its political system has been changed. The Tatmadaw’s duty is to defend the country and protect lives and property of the people. As the country has internal armed conflicts, measures are being taken to resolve them through military, political and diplomatic channels. The Thai government and Royal Thai Armed Forces provided much assistance to Myanmar for process of ceasing ethnic armed conflicts. The Senior General said he would like to inform that Myanmar has signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement-NCA on 15 October 2015 and is striving for peace process of the nation. The Senior General expressed thanks for cooperation of Thailand. 

Myanmar, on its part, wishes to cease the armed conflicts which have been 60 years long. In his view, he said that the Royal Thai Armed Forces has been standing correctly to safeguard life, property and interest of the people. The Senior General said the Tatmadaw will cooperate with the Thailand and the Royal Thai Armed Forces. The Tatmadawmen have many experiences along their life from the recruits/ cadets to retirement. He noted he would like to urge all to effectively apply these experiences.

The Chief of Defence Forces of the Royal Thai Armed Forces said that the Royal Thai Armed Forces and the Myanmar Tatmadaw have been cementing friendly relations. No major problem happens along the border, territorial waters and lands. Moreover, he added that today is time of climax in friendly relationship between the two armed forces. Friendly ties are easy between servicemen of armed forces, but difficult in politics.

The Senior General said that the ministries are implementing the plans based on policies of the government. If the government’s policy is correct, the government’s plans will be correct and will get public support. If not, the government must take responsibility for its wrong policy. It needs to enable the people to enjoy mental and physical conveniences. The Myanmar Tatmadaw has to take responsibility for carrying out peace process for internal armed confl icts. The Senior General expressed gratitude of Thailand for its cooperation in combating drug cases as the Tatmadaw must discharge duty on protection of natural resources and drug elimination. Moreover, he thanked Thailand for legally protecting Myanmar citizens who are working at their jobs peacefully and urged to continue protection for them. Next, they discussed cooperation between two armed forces.

After the meeting, the Senior General and the Chief of Defence Forces of Royal Thai Armed Forces exchanged commemorative emblems and posed for documentary photo together with members.

The Myawady Daily

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