
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing receives outgoing ROK Ambassador

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing receives Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to
Myanmar H.E.Mr. Lee Baek-Soon.

Nay Pyi Taw May 24

Every country needs to have political stability and security for its development despite it owns a wide area of land, aboveground and underground resources, natural resources and human resources. For the country’s political stability, the Tatmadaw is making cooperation to ensure the country to peacefully and steadfastly be on the multi-party democracy path chosen by the people in accord with the Constitution. But there will be no political stability if those who exercise the democracy system don’t understand democratic practices. So it needs to establish such practices. For security, the Tatmadaw is making all-out efforts to end ethnic armed conflicts and reach an eternal peace. Both countries would further extend cooperation when there is stability in the country, said Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing while meeting with Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Myanmar H.E. Mr. Lee Baek-Soon who had completed his tour of duty in Myanmar at the Bayintnaung Parlour here at 10 am yesterday.

At the call, they cordially exchanged views on further promoting cooperation between the two countries as both countries have same religion, social and culture and cordial relation, extending cooperation areas between top, middle and lower-level officials of the two armed forces, sending of trainees to military training courses, efforts to attain political stability for the country’s development despite Myanmar is rich in natural resources and cooperation in rural development tasks such as development of ethnic regions in border areas and better transportation.

Present at the call together with the Senior General were Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win and senior Tatmadaw officers of the Office of the Commanderin- Chief (Army). The outgoing ambassador was accompanied by Defence Attaché Colonel Hong Jongkee and officials. 

The Myawady Daily

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