
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Myanmar-Bangladesh Railway project on the agenda

Yangon February 24

Myanmar is planning to build a  rail line that will connect Bangladesh, a senior officer from the planning department under the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development says.

Myanmar has not confirmed the project despite Bangladesh disclosed it. Myanmar signed a contract with Bangladesh for building the Railway in 2010. Myanmar side will continue making the discussion on the project. According to Bangladeshi news agency, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is set to provide $ 1.5 billion for the project.

At present, Myanmar has not disclosed the implementation of the project yet. The ADB has reached an agreement with the Bangladeshi government to give $ 1.5 billion in loans at two percent interest this year.

This is part of a larger Trans-Asian Railway network. Myanmar is building railways and motor roads that connect its neighbouring countries.

Myanmar side has a plan to develop the projects that will connect the Asia Highway Network and will make continued discussions on other agreements. Many projects are on the agenda.

The Myawady Daily

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