
Friday, September 11, 2015

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing pays courtesy call on Israeli President

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing pays a courtesy call on President
of Israel Mr. Reuven Rivlin at Presidential Residence in Jerusalem.

Nay Pyi Taw, September 10

Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing paid a courtesy call on President of Israel Mr. Reuven Rivlin at Presidential Residence in Jerusalem yesterday afternoon.

Lt-Gen Mya Tun Oo of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army), Maj-Gen Maung Maung Aye, Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Moe Aung, Chief of Staff (Air) Brig-Gen Maung Maung Kyaw, Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Soe Htut and Myanmar Ambassador U Myo Aye were also present.

First, the Senior General made a birthday wish for the 76thbirthday of the president which falls on 9 September, and presented him a flower bundle as birthday gift.

The president expressed thanks for the gift, saying, Myanmar has been a good friend of Israel since long ago, extending country-to-country relations, people-to-people relations and government- to- government relations in the most excellent way.The president on behalf of Israel government and people expressed sorrow for the floods in Myanmar, thanking Myanmar for the assistance it rendered during times Israel is facing difficulties. Cultural cooperation should be included in the cooperation between the two countries. I wish Myanmar a successful democratization. Myanmar is going to hold elections soon. Myanmar’s overcoming of difficulties in the democratization process under the leadership of its president is acknowledged. It is my strong belief that Myanmar president and commander-in-chief will bring more progress to the country. The Israel-Myanmar relations will be restored to the level in 1950. I thank Myanmar for acknowledging Israel’s existence and regional situation.

The Senior General relayed the wishes made by President U TheinSeinto Israel President. It is believe that future friendly relations will be closer than in the 1950.This is the first visit of a defence services commander-in-chief after the visit of Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services General Ne Win of Caretaker Government in 1959. Although the visit is short, I could meet with officials including the president, the defence minister and chief of general staff and visit industries. So, it is a successful visit. Myanmar will hold elections in November for the government’s second term. Myanmar has only five years of experience in multiparty democracy. The country had adopted multiparty democracy before 1962. There were many difficulties then.We will make utmost for the success of current multiparty democracy. We firmly believe in three factors – the right of every country to safeguard its sovereignty; public lives and property; and its own existence.

The president said I respect Myanmar’s stance and aspiration and understand that the Tatmadaw is playing an important role for the country. As Israel has the draft, everyone has the national defence experience. Although democracy is popular, the main thing is to protect the people. After providing people with enough knowledge and experience, democracy must be built in its best form. Israel will stand as a good friend of Myanmar.

The Senior General thanked the president for sharing experience and knowledge, saying, our only aspiration is to bring peace, stability and progress to the country, and to do good for the Tatmadaw and country. We have already nurtured the spirit to sacrifice for the country. We have no enemy, but all the armed forces have to build themselves for national defence. We are also improving the might of Tatmadaw. We will continue the cooperation between the two countries and armed forces.Myanmar is trying to overcome challenges including natural disasters. I thank you for expressing regret for the floods in Myanmar on behalf Israel government and people.

After the meeting they exchanged commemorative plaques and souvenirs.

The Senior General and delegation visited Old Jerusalem in a motorcade.

The Myawady Daily, Page(18)


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