
Monday, May 25, 2015

Industry-Ready Engineering Skills and Tools for youths of Lower Mekong

= Poe Aung =

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has entered into a partnership with U.S.-based corporation, the National Instruments (NI), to provide hands-on training to aspiring young scientists and engineers in the five member states including Myanmar of the Lower Mekong sub-region and to empower them with technical skills to help enhance the region’s workforce both in quality and quantity.

Over the next five years, USAID and NI will work together to create learning centers at universities and vocational colleges to enable students and professionals of the sub-region get access to NI’s embedded and measurement devices, including software, hardware, training and technical support.

They can also acquire practical science and technology skills and use them to build solutions and, potentially, new companies.

This partnership involves developing curricula, training instructors and supplying lab equipment to these schools, start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Contributing $4.5 million inkind to the partnership, NI commits to provide access to its software and hardware technology platforms, product training materials, virtual and in-country support for multiple regional projects, including the USAID Connecting the Mekong Through Education and Training (USAID COMET) project and the USAID ASEAN Connectivity Through Trade and Investment (USAID ACTI) project.

NI and USAID previously collaborated through the USAID’s Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) science program to support scientists in developing countries. Since announcing the partnership in 2013, both organizations have worked together to bring scientific equipment, training and support to several research projects, which have also translated into knowledge transfer, patents and establishing new start-ups. “Access to technical skills and flexible tools combined with the ideas of the young population in this region will enable them to leverage this talent and generate the local solutions needed to ensure the sustainable development of their countries.

This partnership has been made possible through the Planet NI, a program with a mission of empowering engineers and scientists in emerging countries to achieve sustainable prosperity by providing increased access to NI technology,” said Victor Mieres,NI vice president of sales and marketing, emerging markets.

Two U.S. government projects – USAID COMET and USAID ACTI – will coordinate this partnership. Launched as one of the programs affiliated with the Young Southeast Asia Leadership Initiative (YSEALI) by President Obama in Myanmar in November 2014, USAID COMET plans to help 100 universities and vocational centers increase the number of skilled workers in ASEAN-targeted fields.

Under USAID ACTI, this partnership will focus on providing information and skills development training to SMEs. Emphasis will be on greater economic inclusion of women and young  entrepreneurs to advance regional economic growth in the Mekong sub-region.


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