
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Heart to heart

= Maung Thar Weik =

Thanks to the cell phones young sweethearts as well as married couples can contact each other for having heart-to-heart talks at any time from almost any place however far they are from one another. In the past when there were no cell phones if your beloved one was not near you, you found it very difficult to contact with him or her. Sometimes and in some places, contacts can be made only through mail as line telephones were not widely a vailable. Besides phone charges were rather high and trunk calls were difficult or unclear.

Because of their occupation or business, sometimes married couples live separately. In some cases, the husband or the wife is away from home travelling on business or working in a faraway place. Sometimes both are away from home working in different places miles and miles afar. In such situation couples especially married pairs could not talk to each other or even know about one another for long months. It was an annoying and frustrating situation both for the husband and wife as they might have urgent cases, important matters, personal problems, family affairs, financial issues or business concerns to discuss in time.

But now, cell phones have made everything possible. These gadgets have almost solved all the above mentioned problems. More than that, couples nowadays can check or spy each other through surprise calls at unexpected times or through frequent calls. They can know what the other is doing by contacting friends. They can consult an important matter and make fi nal decisions through the mobile phones.What’s more they can argue or debate or even quarrel over and over again on air. Arguing is one of the common practices of nearly all the married couples. Without this married life is not complete. Married couples, especially the ones with older married lives, trend to make arguments, debates or disputes even on minor issues. Although couples had chosen each

other as the correct soulmates guaranteed by their many many bilateral promises of mutual concessions and indulgences, they actually have diverse views, opposite perspectives, different likes all hidden under the powerful force called “love” during their days as sweethearts, and till the early married life. As time goes by, this powerful force gradually wanes becoming weaker and weaker and could no longer conceal these differences. So,the honeymoon is over as their true nature appears. The husband would go his own way in dealing a problem while the wife chooses another way, insisting that hers is better. Although their goal is the same, their approaching methods are different leading towards arguments on who can better handle this matter. Some of the couples, especially husbands, avoid having long conversations with their spouses because the longer a conversation is the higher the possibilities are for an argument or a disagreement. In the past couples living apart for economic or occupational reasons normally had fewer chances for an argument or a dispute. But now it has become a thing of the past thanks to the cell phones that have become our everyday life. Wives who are keen on disagreeing with their husbands love making long or frequent phone calls with their yeobo (spouse).

With the help of mobile phones, a housewife can also detect her husband whether he is with another woman, or at a bar, or playing cards or gambling, or having a good time with his friends. As a result the progress in the utility of these tiny devices has extensively widened the wife’s reconnaissance power and area while drastically shrinking the husband’s screen. So, these gadgets teach husbands the way to have a heart-to-heart with their wives!


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