
Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets departmental personnel, local people in Coco Island Township
Nay Pyi Taw  October  29
Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing met departmental personnel and local people from Coco Island Township in Yangon Region at the township hall of Coco Island this morning.
Accompanied by Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Tin Aung San, Lt-Gen Myo Zaw Thein of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) and senior military officers, Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Thet Pon and officials, Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing arrived in Coco Island where he was welcomed by senior military officers from the local naval base and departmental officials.

At the meeting hall of the local naval base, the base commander reported on facts about the region, security measures for the region, conservation of natural resources, weekly and monthly transport of local people from Coco Island by Tatmadaw flight and vessel free of charge, undertaking of military owned agriculture and livestock breeding tasks, selling of meat, fish and vegetables produced from the farms to families of the military unit and local people at  reduced prices, and progress of Coco Island region.
In response to the reports, the Senior General instructed the officials to render assistance of quality strains of crops and pedigree animals to the local people as much as possible to do agriculture and livestock breeding tasks on a manageable scale similar to the efforts of selling meat, fish, egg and vegetables from the military owned farms to local people at fair prices, help local people produce finished coconut products and get market share, manage transport of local people by Tatmadaw airplane and vessel under the necessary arrangements, and make readiness for giving a helping hand to the local people in natural disasters.

Afterwards, the Senior General met with service personnel and local people from Coco Island Township at the township hall. In meeting with them, the Senior General said tasks started to develop Coco Island region in 2011 but it needs to carry out more development tasks despite seeing progress in the region. It is not adequate to fulfill infrastructures for regional development, and local people must have the keenness to participate in regional development tasks. In line with the saying goes: “The trimming for a basket, as well as dress for a man is important”, people need to take care of keeping their environs neat and tidy. It is necessary to produce domestic products for regional development, and these products must be qualified. The local military unit renders assistance for producing coconut products and for managing transport of products in a smooth process with the aim of securing market share and generating jobs for the local people.
The Senior General urged them to systematically carry out manageable scale agriculture and livestock breeding tasks to increase their family incomes. They need to cooperate with teachers for enabling students to have success for uplifting their lives. The Senior General stressed the need to read fiction and non-fiction books as well as publications on agricultural and livestock breeding tasks in order to widen their scopes of knowledge. Emergence of educated persons from the region contributes towards regional development. The Senior General gave advice that it needs to avoid drinking alcohol, chewing betel quid and smoking which harm their health conditions as much as they can as Coco Island region is located in the severe climatic conditions. Medical doctors from the Tatmadaw were instructed to cooperate with officials from the local health organizations in providing health care services to the local people. The Senior General urged local Tatmadaw servicemen, departmental officials and local people to make concerted efforts for development of the region.

Afterwards, the Senior General presented foodstuff, books and journals via the township administrator. Then, a townselder spoke words of thanks.  The Senior General coordinated the essentials presented by locals and departmental officials and cordially greeted them.
The Senior General and party  proceeded to the Coco Island Town-ship Basic Education High School. After hearing the report presented by the school headmistress, the Senior General fulfilled the needs. The Senior General who looked round the library was conducted round by the headmistress.
In a meeting with students at the school hall, the Senior General said students are to give priority to learning at the time of learning age and need to be proficient in the lessons at different levels. Students must be healthy and fit to pursue their education. In addition, they must have healthy lifestyle as being the future generations. They need to abstain from tobacco, betel quid chewing, alcohol and narcotic drugs. Students need to help their parents in doing family-owned small-scale agriculture and breeding businesses and to engage in physical activities and sports at their leisure time. Being healthy and fit will partly help support their education. They try to pass the exams by learning their school lessons every day. They also should devote their life to learning as their parents have to spend time and money on their education. Each student should have set their own goal and try to achieve it. Students need to read books and journals to get knowledge.
After that, the Senior General cordially greeted students.

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