
Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Literature, music, fine arts and sports are the pushes that can strengthen patriotic spirits, the country-loving spirits and national spirits, these fifi elds are to be effectively used

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and party attend opening of 17th performing arts, dramatic performance, play and magic show contests.

Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Hsan Oo and Director of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare Maj-Gen Tun Tun Nyi cut the ribbon to open 17th performing arts, dramatic performance,play and magic show contests.

Nay Pyi Taw September 4

For the successful management of works in the field of nation building and defence, patriotic spirits, the high-quality traditional cultural and fi ne arts that can invoke the genuine patriotic spirits are essential. Literature, music, fine arts and sports are the pushes that can strengthen patriotic spirits, the country-loving spirits and national spirits. These arts are to be effectively used. Every developing country and country with strong foundations encourage these fields systematically, said Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, at the opening of the17th performing arts, dramatic performance, play and magic show contests of the Directorate of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) held at the transit center at Sinphyushin Hall in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.

The opening ceremony was attended by Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, Deputy Commanderin-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Mya Tun Oo, Commanderin-Chief (Navy) Admiral Tin Aung San, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, the commander of Nay Pyi Taw Command, maestros, guests and contestants.

Chair of Psychological Affairs and Public Relations Committee Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Hsan Oo and Director of the Directorate of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare Maj-Gen Tun Tun Nyi cut the ribbon to open the contest.

In his opening speech, the Senior General said today the world becomes a village thanks to technological advancements. There are cultural relations among the countries. It is evident that every country and race continues preserving and promoting their own culture, custom and tradition. Myanmar has a strong history of own culture and fi ne arts since before the emergence of the first Myanmar Empire. Throughout the history, Myanmar people have long been living with own monarch and dignity. Patriotic spirits is the lifeblood for a country to stand as a sovereign nation with its own culture and traditions. Take a look at the country’s history, the emergence of the kings who safeguarded race, religion and Sasana reflects the patriotic spirits of Myanmar citizens who love race, religion, Sasana and culture. Patriotic spirits is also essential for ensuring unity and building advanced defence power. Every intelligent state head adores and values traditions and culture as well as encourages the spirits of every citizens. It bears witness to the fact that patriotic spirits emerge throughout the history whenever tradition and culture-loving spirits become high.

On the contrary, it is found that the people have bad characters when they devalue tradition and culture. In addition, citizens were devoid of national spirits, loyalty and unity. As a result, the country and races had to face big threat in the history.

Literature, fi ne arts and architectural designs are under the infl uence of Buddhist teachings as Myanmar is a Buddhist-country. They have tolerance in line with Myanmar’s genuine soul as well as without hostility against others. However, they sacrifi ce their lives in battles which encroach on the citizens of the nation to have justice. Similar customs, nationalistic spirit and patriotic spirit of all ethnic races residing in Myanmar are conceived in the profound spirit of relatives in traditions. The Senior General stressed the need to understand that Myanmar traditional culture is a precious one for all national brethren of Myanmar. Hence, he noted that preservation and uplift of traditional culture is an inborn national duty of all national brethren of the country.

Moreover, the Senior General highlighted that Myanmar freed from the colonial rule due to the spirit adoring the traditional culture or not losing the patriotic spirit based on nationalistic favour. The national political organization which first ever emerged in the history of Myanmar’s independence struggles in the colonial era was the Young Men’s Buddhist Association. The national organization which emerged in 1906 when it was 42 years ahead of regaining the independence uplifted the Myanmar’s patriotic spirit and own culture in order to launch the Myanmar’s independence struggles. The organization originally set the aim to uplift the nationality, language and education with slogans “to love nationality”, “to respect language”, “to uplift religion”
and “to encourage education”.

As Myanmar’s independence was based on the aforesaid factors and patriotic spirit, today’s perpetuation of Independence and sovereignty and building a modern, developed democratic nation should be based on such factors. The fi ne arts is a strength which easily and rapidly motivates the soul of human. The Senior General stressed the need to make strenuous efforts for enhancing
themselves to become maestros with excellent skills.

Furthermore, the Senior General said that as today is time of development in modern communication technologies, it needs to make creation and innovation for an effective and successful performance applying entertainment and communication technology in harmony. The performing arts contests at military units are being held for sending sound foundations of dynamically patriotic spirit to the hearts and souls of servicemen and families as well as the citizens through performances of fine arts based on the culture and customs. Today’s contest aims to motivate active nationalistic favour of citizens and to encourage dynamically fl ourishing of the spirits for adoring nationality, language and religion. The Senior General stressed the need for maestros to always take training and uplift the subjects of Myanmar fine arts to have wonderful skills. The traditional culture is own national emblem which highlights the significant characteristics of every country and national. Likewise, physical characteristics, costumes, languages, cultural traditions and norms of social ethics are national appearances for the State and ethnics.

Hence, everybody needs to take notice that the day when these characteristics disappear will be the day of losing the State and national.

Next, servicemen and servicewomen from the Mobile Public Relations Companies under the Directorate of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) played the song under title of Hmon-shwe-yi, sang the song under title of Pay-phu-hlwar and performed chorus dances of Dewissara to the accompaniment of the modern music band and Myanmar orchestra, played the song under title of Mingalar-nay-par-shin with the use of harp and xylophone, staged the magic performances and sang the song under title “Only when the Tatmadaw is powerful, will the State be powerful”. The Senior General and attendees enjoyed all items of entertainment.

After the ceremony, the Senior General and party cordially greeted the maestros from the judges of panel, servicemen and servicewomen. 

The inter-military performing arts, dramatic performance, play and magic show contests organized by the Directorate of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) have been held with participation of servicemen and servicewomen from the Myawady music bands and Mobile Public Relations Companies under the Directorate of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare yearly. The contests aim to preserve Myanmar traditional culture and fi ne arts with greater development and to stage performances with high standards at the State and the Tatmadaw levels.

These contests comprise classes of old songs, modern songs, current songs, Anyeint performances, dancing, Myanmar orchestra, preferably cultural chorus dances of Myanmar, dual dancing, drama, modern band, magic show and song composing events which will last up to 8 September.

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