
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing visits Royal Thai Navy SEALS, Royal Thai Navy Fleet and Royal Thai Marine Corps headquarters in Pattaya

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing accepts a gift from the commander of the Royal Thai Marine Corps.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and party view display of weapons, costumes and vessels used by Navy SEALS troops.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing inspects the Guard of Honour of Royal Thai Navy.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and party pose for documentary photo together with officials of the Royal Thai Marine Corps.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and party view display of weapons, costumes and vessels used by Navy SEALS troops.

Nay Pyi Taw June 27

Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing currently in Thailand on a goodwill visit at the invitation of Gen. Tarnchaiyan Srisuwan, Chief of Defence Force of the Royal Thai Armed Forces, accompanied by Lt-Gen Myo Zaw Thein, Lt-Gen Soe Htut and senior military officers of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) and Myanmar Military Attaché (Army, Navy and Air) Brig-Gen Khin Zaw visited Royal Thai Naval Headquarters and Royal Thai Marine Crops in Pattaya yesterday morning.

First, the Senior General and party arrived at Royal Thai Navy SEALS headquarters where they were welcomed by Rear Admiral Apakorn Youkongkaew and senior military officers. The Senior General laid a wreath at and saluted the King Taksin Statue and signed the visitors’ book.

An official gave an account of the duties and functions of Royal Thai Navy SEALS with powerpoint and video presentation. The Senior General asked about training of soldiers and conducting of courses and the commandant replied to the questions. The Senior General and the commandant of Royal Thai Navy SEALS exchanged gifts. Then, the Senior General and party viewed display of weapons, costumes and vessels used by Navy SEALS troops. The Senior General and party then rode a military ship in the sea and viewed Royal Thai Navy SEALS troops driving military ships as a skill performance. They then posed for a documentary photo on board. The Senior General and party then arrived at the Royal Thai Navy Fleet, where they were welcomed by Rear Admiral Anucha Iamsuro, the commander of the Coast Guard Command. The commander and a responsible person made PowerPoint and video presentation of the structure and functions of the Coast Guard Command.

The Senior General asked questions for his knowledge. The Senior General and party then were conducted by responsible persons around the coast guard vessel. The Senior General and party arrived at Royal Thai Marine Corps where they were welcomed by Vice Admiral Sangkorn Pongsiri. The Senior General received the salute of the Guard of Honour of Royal Thai Navy, and inspected it. He then laid wreath at Royal Thai Marine Corps Monument.

The Senior General and the commandant of the Royal Thai Marine Corps exchanged frank views on cooperation and promotion of friendship between the two navies at the latter’s parlour. The two also exchanged gifts. Then, a responsible person of the Royal Thai Marine Crops made PowerPoint and video presentation to the Senior General and party about the scope of responsibilities and functions of the establishment. The Senior General asked questions for his knowledge. 

The Senior General and party enjoyed Royal Thai Marine Corps troops demonstrating amphibious operation and clearing mines with mine detection dogs. The Senior General then presented cash awards to troops who participated in demonstration. The Senior General and party then looked around the Royal Thai Marine Corps Museum and observed the history, equipment and weapons used by the Royal Thai Marine Corps. The Senior General and the commander of the Royal Thai Marine Corps posed for documentary photo together with those present.


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