
Friday, June 29, 2018

Role of media which is Fourth Estate is important; media is urged to serve national interest as a tool through constructive reports on national peace, stability and unity

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing gives a gift to Vice Chairman-1 of the Myanmar Media Council U Ohn Kyaing.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and party cordially greet the Vice Chairman-1and delegation of the Myanmar Media Council.

Nay Pyi Taw June 29

The role of media which is the Fourth Estate is important as it can generate various situations for the nation. So the media is urged to serve the national interest as a tool through constructive reports on peace and stability and unity of the nation, said Commander in Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at his meeting with a delegation led by Vice Chairman-1 of the Myanmar Media Council U Ohn Kyaing at the parlour of the Bayintnaung Villa here yesterday afternoon.

Present at the meeting together with the Senior General were Deputy Commander in Chief of Defence Services Commander in Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Mya Tun Oo, Commander in Chief (Navy) Admiral Tin Aung San, Commander in Chief (Air) General Maung Maung Kyaw and senior military offi cers of the Offi ce of the Commander in Chief (Army).

U Ohn Kyaing was accompanied by Vice Chairman-2 Dr. Myo Thant Tin, Secretary U Thiha Saw and members of the council. First, the Senior General and party cordially greeted the Vice Chairman-1and delegation of the council and then held talks with them.

At the meeting, the Senior General said he gave serious attention to the meeting as media or the Fourth Estate is an important institution of a country. The current trend of the nation indicates mutual benefi ts with the media.

The Senior General said he has held talks with the Myanmar Media Council for a number of times since 2012 while holding press conferences and interviews with the media. As the country is lying between powerful countries, it needs united strength.

There must be unity and harmony among the government, the people and all institutions regardless of adopted political system. Media should give priority to further strengthening this strength. The absence of security and political instability are the causes behind the lack of development of the country.Political instability is generated by the various means of the politicians to highlight their activities through the media. Hence, media reports have much impact on peace, stability, progress and unity of the country.

Media should become a tool for cementing unity. Other countries too respond to any acts that are against their interest as they never tolerate such acts. Therefore, the local media are urged to try for the country to become a united force. There should be constructive writings and acts leading to unity. As news releases only pointing out weaknesses rather than encouraging the public cause demoralization, there should be unbiased news with construction attitude promoting public morality. However, any issue deserving criticism must be criticized. By doing so, it will pave the way for national development in one way. Every citizen needs to cherish their country.

The love for the country goes together with patriotism and courage. Raising the national flfl ag and military flfl ags when battles are won indicates nationalism, patriotism and courage.Likewise, when we stood first in international sport events, we raised our State flag and both the athletes and spectators saluted and sang the nation anthem. This is also indicative of patriotism and nationalism. The spirit of cherishing one’s own country cannot be demoralized. It is important that the media try to help promote patriotism and nationalism.

Only patriotism can reinforce the strength of our country. There might be different attitudes, ideologies and interests but everyone must be the same to cultivate patriotism. Now, our country is pursuing democracy the people have chosen. Other countries are found to be practising democracy in their own ways. We are also practising democracy best suited to our country. As it is the system that the entire people have chosen, it must be fi rm and strong.The country got troubled because of political changes. Our Tatmadaw was born of the people.So we must value the desire of the people.

One cannot do as he wishes in the name of democracy. We must act in accord with the existing rules and laws while trying for the development of the country. For the work of the government elected by our people to be successful, our Tatmadaw is cooperating in ensuring the rule of law, peace and stability and public security. We must defend against any harm to the State, the people and the administrative machinery. Throughout history, the Tatmadaw has been shouldering national defence duties. Some misunderstand that the Tatmadaw is oppressive against the national races. Indeed, we are only protecting our national races. For example, military medical doctors are being sent to the remote areas the Ministry of Health could not reach. Tatmadaw members help carry out development, health and education of regions as much as they can in their assigned regions. They also continuously participate in providing assistance to people at a time when disasters fall. The Tatmadaw attacks those who bully and threat the people with holding arms but not bullies and kills the ethnic people. Efforts are being made for enabling the Tatmadaw to become a public and State reliable Tatmadaw.

The Senior General urged the media as the fourth estate to try hard together to have public and State reliance. Vice Chairman-1 of Myanmar Media Council U Ohn Kyaing said the council has agreed with the Tatmadaw and has already built mutual trust. Veteran journalists in successive eras had strived for ensuring standing of media to be the fourth estate of the country. Sayings of Minister Padetharaja go: the Tatmadaw as “Shoulder of the State, Arms of the State” as well as the media as “Shoulder of the State, Eyes of the State”. The media held the meetings on four estates in regions and states. The media pledged to serve the interest of the State.

Then, the Senior General and members of the Myanmar Media Council frankly exchanged views on attempts to decline trust over the Tatmadaw by releasing fabricated news and rumours for the Tatmadaw on staging a coup, economic development and getting job opportunities in Rakhine State, building peace with ethnic armed organizations, needs of education promotion for the youths to pursue vocational and education courses, preparations to reconstitute the Myanmar Media Council in 2018 with holding the election once three years, arrangements for making trips to cover news, full contributions of the Tatmadaw and no diffi culties in relations between the Tatmadaw and the government, plans to release appropriate information in English on a wider scale to local and foreign media, broadening educative talk about health knowledge, conducting advanced media courses, and efforts of the Myanmar Media Council to create links with global countries and international media. After the meeting, the Senior General accepted gifts from Vice Chairman-1 U Ohn Kyaing and Vice Chairman-2 Dr. Myo Thant Tin of the council.

Then, the Senior General presented gifts to members of Myanmar Media Council and posed for documentary photo.


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