
Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Vice-Senior General Soe Win encourages officers, other ranks, and their families in Kunlon and Hopan stations in northern Shan State and inspects war veteran housing

Vice-Senior General Soe Win greets officers, other ranks and their families at Hopan Station.

Vice-Senior General Soe Win visits advanced war veteran housing (Lashio).

Vice-Senior General Soe Win speaks at Kunlon Station.

Nay Pyi Taw April 4

Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice- Senior General Soe Win visited Kunlon and Hopan stations in northern Shan State, and spoke words of encouragement to officers, other ranks and their families.

Also present on the occasion were wife of the Vice-Senior General Daw Than Than Nwe, senior military offi cers of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief and their wives, and the commander of North-East Command, officers, other ranks and their families of local battalions.

At the meetings, the Vice-Senior General said he had come to encourage officers, other ranks and their wives who are performing dutifully for regional security and military operations at the risk of their lives in northern Shan State, and to fulfi ll the requirements of the local battalions and troops.

He instructed them in details about State defence and security, requirements of battalions in building the Tatmadaw into Standard Army, implementation of people’s militia strategy, strengthening of unity within each battalion and mobilizing public support outside battalions, farming and livestock breeding on a manageable scale for welfare of battalions, avoiding drug and cooperation with concerned regional governments, security forces and people in fighting drug.

Next, the Vice-Senior General asked about welfare tasks for offi cers and other ranks and their families, difficulties of individual soldiers and their wives and attended to the needs.

Afterwards, the Vice-Senior General and wife Daw Than Than Nwe presented foods for offi cers, other ranks and their families from various military units to offi cials. Lt- Gen Than Tun Oo and Lt-Gen Aung Kyaw Zaw presented publications, foods and sport equipment.

The Vice-Senior General and party cordially greeted the offi cers, other ranks from the regional battalions and their wives.

They then went round in cars in the stations. Next, they viewed Haik bank where a historic 40-day Kunlon battle broke out.

In the evening, the Vice-Senior General and party went to the advanced war veteran housing (Lashio) in Khaynin Village, Lashio.

At the briefing hall, an official reported on construction of housing apartments, progress in construction, providing of those apartments to the war veteran families and construction tasks. The Vice-Senior General then gave detailed instructions. The Vice-Senior General and party cordially met war veterans and families of the war veteran housing and gave words of encouragement.

They also inspected the progress in extending the housing project. The advanced war veteran housing has ten projected two-storey double units for senior offi cers, 20 twostorey double units for junior offi cers, and 107 two-storey double units for other ranks totaling 137.

The completed units in 2015-2016 are four two-storey double units for junior offi cers and 28 two-storey double units for other ranks. Six two-storey double units for other ranks are under construction in fi scal year 2017-2018 and they will be completed in May. The 128 apartments of the 28 completed buildings have been allocated to the families of officers and other ranks who daringly sacrificed lives or limbs for the nation and soldiers retired after the dutiful and punishment- free completion of their entire service.


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