
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Specialists and medical officers of Tatmadaw switch duties in remote areas

Medical treatment being provided.

The military doctors are being seen off at Nay Pyi Taw Airport by Lt-Gen Hsan Oo and officials.

Nay Pyi Taw April 11

Sagaing Region, Chin State and Naga Self-Administered Zone are located in remote areas and due to poor transportation, the health sector of locals is lagged behind. Forty-four military doctors, who expressed of their own volition desires to perform duty in hospitals in need of doctors in order to promote the health of locals, have provided medical services for locals in 22 hospitals in those areas as of March, 2016.

Through 31 March, 2018, the military doctors provided general treatment to 107,764 patients, conducted surgical operation on 37,681 patients, treated 8,654 patients suffering from gynecological problems; 2,9285 child patients, 3,129 patients suffering from orthopedic problems, 1,688 patients suffering from ear, nose and throat problems, 2,470 patients suffering from eye problems, 1,782 patients suffering from dental problems and 4,982 patients suffering from general illness, totaling 197,435 patients. The team put their hearts and souls in providing medical services to locals, and in their leisure time, they also taught high school students for free, and therefore earned the love and respect of locals.

The second team comprising one pharmacologist, three public health care specialists, one surgeon, one anesthetist and 36 medical officers, totaling 42 military doctors who will replace them left here this morning by Tatmadaw plane. They were sent off at Nay Pyi Taw Airport by Lt-Gen Hsan Oo of the Offi ce of Commander-in-Chief (Army) and offi cials.

The second team of military doctors arrived at Monywa and was welcomed by Commander of North-West Command Maj- Gen Phone Myat and senior military offi cers. The team members were sent by helicopter and car to the place where they will provide medical treatment.

They will serve at 22 hospitals including Reed station hospital, Yankyon station hospital, Wanthu station hospital, Yayzwa station hospital, Hmaungtahlan station hospital, Kaunghein station hospital, Layshi township hospital, Namyun township hospital, Donhi station hospital, Swammara station hospital, Sukhwa station hospital, Mobilut station hospital, Matupi township hospital, Kyeekha station hospital, Lahe township hospital, Lilinpe station hospital, Lonle station hospital, Thonzan township hospital, Thantalan township hospital, Htanpakhe station hospital, Pasaung station hospital, and Pasat station hospital in Sagaing Region, Chin state and Naga Self-administered Zone.

Military doctors who serviced duties at faraway places changed duties with the second team and arrived back to Nay Pyi Taw in the evening. They were welcomed by Lt-Gen Hsan Oo of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) and party at the airport.


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