
Thursday, September 7, 2017

Tatmadaw helicopters did not enter Bangladeshi airspace: statement

Nay Pyi Taw September 7

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Bangladesh sent a objection letter to the Myanmar Embassy to Bangladesh saying that a helicopter from Myanmar flew over the sky of Bangladesh for three times on 1 September 2017 and that helicopters also entered Bangladesh’s airspace on 27 and 28 August.

In connection with the case, inspections were carried out on the helicopters from the Tatmadaw (Air) that flew on 1 September, and according to GPS Track Log, it is found that they flew just 500 metres away from the borderline.

On 27 August also, the track log showed that a helicopter took off and landed 0.4 mile away from the borderline. On 28 August, no Tatmadaw helicopter flew near the borderline.

Regarding the objection of Bangladesh that helicopters of Myanmar Tatmadaw (Air) flew over the border, the Office of the Commander-in- Chief (Army) has reported to the President Office on the correct event on 2 September 2017. Myanmar Military Attaché Brig-Gen Aung Zaw Oo from the Myanmar Embassy to Bangladesh has also made clarification about the event to of officials of Bangladesh Armed Forces through diplomatic way.

With regard to the accusation of Bangladesh, the Tatmadaw released correct information that helicopters of the Tatmadaw (Air) did not fl y over the border of Bangladesh for enabling the people to have correct information.

Tatmadaw True News Information Team


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