
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Two more died of H1N1 at YGH

The Ministry of Health encourages people to wear masks when they go outside.

Yangon July 26

Two newly warded patients of Yangon General Hospital-YGH died of H1N1 today, admit fears of the infection of the seasonal flu that has already claimed one life, a young boy in Chin State.

“They were new arrivals, and not the two who have been already undergone treatment at the hospital. Post-mortem result showed they were (H1N1) positive,” said YGH Medical Superintendent Dr Aye Ko Ko, adding, the patients died within a few hours after they had arrived at the hospital.

One of them was a pregnant woman from Bago Region, 50 miles northeast of Yangon. 

The two already receiving treatment at YGH are a 35-year-old man of Yangon and a 35-year-old woman of Ayeyawady Region east of Yangon. The woman showing flu like symptoms was transferred to YGH from the general hospital in Pathein, the regional capital, on 19 July. They are under intense care as their condition is critical.

“H1N1 is strong seasonal flu and has no risk of fatality if treated within 48 hours,” said deputy director- general of Public Health Department Dr Than Tun Aung.“It broke out in Myanmar in2009, and it has occurred since then annually. There were hundreds of cases in some years and ten cases in some years. It is not avian fl u or swine fl u but strong seasonal influenza,” he told the reporters.

“In previous years, there was no death. It is communicable disease, and there is still no effective vaccine and treatment. But, the virus can be prevented. The fatality is just one in 10,000 people,” he said.

H1N1 flu symptoms are the same as seasonal flu, including cough, fever, sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, body ache, headache, chills and fatigue. The Ministry of Health has encouraged people to wear masks and wash their hands frequently, cover mouth in coughing and sneezing, and avoid catching cold and crowded places.


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