
Thursday, June 1, 2017

Vice-Senior General Soe Win tours cyclone-hit Sittway and Buthidaung stations

Vice-Senior General Soe Win views family quarters of Security Police Control Unit.
Vice-Senior General Soe Win gives instruction to the officials.

Vice-Senior General Soe Win gives words of encouragement to teachers.

Nay Pyi Taw June 1

Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win, accompanied by Minister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen Kyaw Swe, Commander-in-Chief(Navy) Admiral Tin Aung San,senior military officers of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, the Commander of Western Command and officials visited stations in Rakhine State damaged by cyclone Mora yesterday morning.

On arrival at the airbase in Sittway, Vice-Senior General Soe Win heard a report on the degree of damage, reconstruction and renovation presented by the Command Commander and departmental personnel.The Vice-Senior General looked into the requirements.

The Vice-Senior General and party looked around the town to survey the damage.

During the visit to the affiliated basic education middle school (Kyaytaw-kha) in Kyaytaw Paikseik Village in Sittway,the Vice-Senior General cordially met teachers and gave words of encouragement. The Vice-Senior General looked into the requirements in soonest repair of the school buildings whose roofs were blown away.

They surveyed the damage caused to the Security Police Control Unit, administrative buildings of battalions and units, hostels and family quarters. The Vice-Senior General then coordinated with officials to repair them.

Afterwards, the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services (Army) and party visited Buthidaung station where the Station Commander reported the situation after the storm, fulfilling the needs of the station. He then surveyed the damage within the compound of the station and cordially greeted the victims.

Next, the Vice-Senior General and party viewed the sanitation activities. He gave words of encouragement to members of the Tatmadaw,Myanmar Police Force and fire brigade who were clearing fallen branches which blocked downtown Sittway, providing cash awards of honour to them.

Yesterday, relief supplies donated by the families of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) were sent to Sittway by Tatmadaw aircraft. After that, Vice-Senior General Soe Win offered food and tin roofs for Tatmadawmen and staff families through departmental personnel at Sittway Airport at 6 pm.


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