
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Tatmadaw conscientiously carried out State defence duties whatever political trends and political ways of the nation changed

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets Tatmadawmen and families at the gymnasium of the local battalion in Mongmaw.

Nay Pyi Taw February 2

For Tatmadawmen, they have made themselves servicemen of their own accord to shoulder national defence duties and they have to work hard even at risk of their lives throughout their solider life. They also need to take pride of the attitude of the Tatmadaw that has sacrificed a lot to serve the State and the people for successive eras towards the State defence, said Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.

Accompanied by Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Tin Aung San, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Khin Aung Myint, senior military officers of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) and the commander of Central Command, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing met with officers and other ranks and their families at the gymnasium of the local battalion in Mongmaw, Kyaukse Station, yesterday afternoon.

Regarding the political channel Myanmar has gone through, the Senior General explained the practice of parliamentary democracy from 1948 when independence was regained till 1962, internal armed insurgencies born together with the independence, the effort of the Tatmadaw with utmost strength to safeguard the independence from being lost due to the intrusion of Kuomintang troops in the eastern part of Myanmar and insurgency of Mujahidin in the western part, the Tatmadaw’s assumption of State duties as caretaker government in 1958 when the State was not able to control the then situations, situations of the Revolutionary Council to take the State power from 1962 to 1974, happening of the Chinese-Myanmar unrest in 1967 and life and blood sacrifice of the Tatmadaw in military operations to combat the CPB which penetrated the northeast region as of 1968, wiping out the insurgents by the Tatmadaw which joined hands with the people on Bago mountain ranges and in Ayeyawady Division through the four cuts system, situations of the Tatmadaw which took the responsibility of the State in 1988 when any organization were unable to control the nation due to protests staged by the people who demanded democracy as the country was ruled under a single party system from 1974 to 1988, and endeavours of the Tatmadaw government in paving the way for the nation to practise the multi-party democracy in 2011 by taking adequate time for restoring peace and stability of the State and for undertaking nation-building tasks due to lack of constitution to implement the multiparty system and due to attacks of armed insurgents in major battles in border regions in time. The Senior General then urged them to take pride of conscientiously carrying out State defence duties without any prompting in all incidents whatever political trends and political ways of the nation changed.

With regard to the capacity building tasks of the military units, the Senior General said that despite making efforts for strengthening the Tatmadaw since 1988 by carrying out the capacity building tasks of the military units, the processes were weak due to the fact that the Tatmadaw deeply participated in the leadership role of national politics. Starting from 2011 when the multi-party democracy system was initiated, emphasis is being placed on capacity building tasks of the military units to shape the Tatmadaw as the Standard Army. An aim was set for enabling the Tatmadawmen and families to stand on their own feet with prestige and to be reliable ones for the people and the State. Based on the existing fine traditions of the Tatmadaw, changes were made for gaining greater improvement in food, clothing, shelter, transport, health, education and other sectors.

For military personnel who got injured for various reasons during their service in the armed forces as well as veterans, the Senior General said, the Tatmadaw has also built housings and homes for the aged to provide them with shelters. It also provides training in agriculture, livestock breeding and industrial production for their livelihoods and job opportunities. It has also granted promotions to military personnel according to their length of service to ensure they can enjoy better entitlements when they retire. And housings for veterans also include facilities for health and education of their families, the Senior General said.

The Tatmadaw, the major defence force of the nation, has been working hard to stabilize the current political system, and successfully end armed conflicts by both political and military means for the sake of peace and stability of the country, the Senior General said, calling on the officers, other ranks and their families to play their part. The Senior General also urged them to strengthen internal strength by adopting brotherly and sisterly spirit along with mutual support and by exercising fair administration.

After the meeting, the Senior General presented fiction and non-fiction books for the officers, other ranks and their families, the Commander-in-Chief (Navy), foodstuffs, and the Commander-in-Chief (Air) sports gear. They then cordially greeted the attendees.

Then, the Senior General and party viewed round breeding of DYL pigs, raising layers, nurturing of crops in the nursery, thriving star bean plantations and cultivation of muskmelon in the green house at the integrated farm of the local battalion. Officials conducted the Senior General and party around there.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing views crop plantations in green house.

Photo shows thriving star bean plantations.

The Myawady Daily

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