
Friday, January 20, 2017

Two acting as financial-supporter, informer, recruiter, rumour-monger for insurgents during the violent attacks in northeastern Shan State arrested

Photo shows two persons who carried out monetary assistance and recruitment for insurgents in northern Shan State.

Nay Pyi Taw January 20

As combined bands of KIA/ MNDAA/TNLA/AA insurgents were murdering passengers, blowing up roads and bridges, and torching passenger cars and freighters for no reason and attacking Tatmadaw camps including Mongkoe camp and Muse, Kyukok (Pangsai), Namphatka and Kutkai towns while blocking roads against Tatmadaw reinforcements in northeastern Shan State from November 20 to December 6 last year, Tatmadaw columns had to launch round-theclock area clearance operations. According to hardcore and related information saying that persons who were recruiters, informers and rumour-mongers for insurgents, had re-entered Mongkoe, the Tatmadaw columns exposed and arrested two suspects – Didi Naung Latt, son of U Dawt Naw of Ward 1, Mongkoe and Langyaw Gamsai, son of Langyaw Laphon of Kaunglon village, Mongkoe, at about 6.30 pm on 24 December 2016.

The two fled to the other country for temporary stay on December 4 when Tatmadaw reinforcement columns arrived at Mongkoe and controlled it. The two were found and arrested while reentering the town together with displaced persons on 7 December. In connection with the arrests, measures had to be taken for not leaking the information due to the security of hardcore informants and for questioning the arrestees in detail in line with the rules and procedures, making investigations and approvals by taking time for finding the truth.

According to the investigation, Didi Naung Latt served as administrator of Mongkoe Township in Mongsala-led Mongkoe Defence Army (MDA), which was established in 1995 and abolished in 2000. He went to the other country in February 2016 to attend the prayer ceremony of KIA Brigade (6) and the ceremony to reshuffl e the incharge of KIA Brigade (6) which were informally held. He had close relations with Commander of KIA Brigade (6) Maran Zaw Gaung, Deputy Commander Lazaung, Communication in Charge Gun Tan, Mai Ja Yang District Administrator Lashi Sai Naw, Commanding Officer of KIA Battalion (36) Yein Bawng, religious preacher Naw Kham who served as KIA administrator of Mongkoe Township, members of KIA administrative board, leaders  of combat team and some leaders of MNDAA insurgent group. When Mongkoe clashes occurred, Didi Naung Latt, disguised as chairman of Mongkoe Baptist Christian Church, gave information about movements of Tatmadaw columns and financial support to the insurgents and spread slanderous news and propaganda by having links with outside media in order to mislead the local and international communities. Before and during the Mongkoe clashes, he made repeated contacts with KIA insurgents. According to the investigation, another one, Langyaw Gamsai gave information about the Tatmadaw to KIA insurgents, recruited new members and transported fuel for smooth transport of the insurgents during the battles.

As there was no police member  at the police station in Mongkoe Town in the aftermath of battles and policing machinery could not be operated due to situations of posthumous and missing police members during the battles, the two arrestees could not be detained under investigation by opening files of lawsuits. Moreover, it was difficult to investigate them at the local military unit because of information security and life security of hardcore informer. That is why they were placed under investigation in line with the existing laws in accordance with the Section 376 of the Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. And, those arrestees will be handed over to the relevant police station systematically in order to take action against them under the law. The military columns continuously carry out scrutiny to expose and arrest more hardcore members of insurgents and to ensure peace and stability of the region.

The Myawady Daily


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