
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Country’s future will be brighter thanks to concerted efforts of youths: Senior General

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing delivers speech at the ceremony to honour youths of navigation and aviation training courses

Nay Pyi Taw May 24

A Myanmar maxim goes: “Today’s youth will be adult in the future” is full of essence in a wider meaning but it is very simple. The maxim reflects that the youth plays a pivotal role in the future of the country as well as the Earth. Thanks to concerted efforts of youths who have “constructive attitudes” to build the future of the nation, I firmly believe that the nation’s future will be brighter, stated Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at a ceremony to honour the youths from navigation and aviation training courses at the Zeyathiri Parlour here at 2 pm yesterday. 

Also present at the ceremony were Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of the Commanderin- Chief of Defence Services, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander- in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win and wife, the Union Minister for Home Affairs and wife, the Union Minister for Defence and wife, the Union Minister for Border Affairs and wife, the Joint Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) Commanderin- Chief (Air) and wife, senior army, naval and air force officers of the office of the Commanderin- Chief and their wives, male and female trainees,  supervisors and instructors of navigation and aviation training courses.

At the ceremony, the Senior General noted that regarding the role of the youths in the future, calculating the economic, military and political might of a nation mainly depends on its population which has capability to do works. Especially, it depends on the strength of youths. So, it needs to emphasize education, health and social affairs of the youths. According to the census released in 2014, the youths between 10 and 24 aged are about 30 per cent of the total population of the nation. By making assessment, we can predict the future of the nation to be emerged in coming a few decades. The youths need to have capability to shape the future. To be able to do so, today’s adults must take responsibility to nurture the youths.

Moreover, the Senior General added that as the Chapter I of the Constitution stipulates “The Union shall strive for youths to have strong and dynamic patriotic spirit, the correct way of thinking and to develop the five noble strengths”, the government, the people and the Tatmadaw are enhancing capability of the youths as well as creating the correct way for them in accord with the motto: “from quantity to quality”. He said that the Tatmadaw is always improving the capability of youths who will lead the nation in the near future to have genuine outlooks, ideas and constructive attitudes so as to build the nation.

According to the history of the nation, the Senior General continued to say that thirty young comrades with patriotic spirit like today’s youths established the Myanmar Tatmadaw which has been discharging national politics duty and State defence duty of the nation in successive eras conscientiously. In accord with the historical evidences, the Tatmadaw has been conducting the navigation and aviation training courses for the new generation youths yearly to have sharpened and dynamic patriotic spirit, correct ideology and development of five noble strengths. The training courses are aimed at contributing to defence duties of the State and the Tatmadaw in the long run and development of human resources of the nation.

In addition, the Senior General said that the Tatmadaw has been actively joining hands with the government in undertaking the national sector of the State not only at present but in successive eras. The Tatmadaw is loyal to serving the national interest and discharging the national duty in respective eras. Therefore, the Tatmadaw is standing tall in successive eras with ability under the test of “the Tatmadaw never betrays the national politics”. As such, the Senior General explained that the Tatmadaw is taking a leading role in the national politics of the nation in line with its history and tradition.

Concerning the nature of youths their moral behaviour is vulnerable to the instigation of a bad environment as they are fond of examining everything and self-indulgence. Moreover, innocent and simple youths may face derailment in their lives due to mistreatment in the untouchable fields and copying the alien culture while pursuing education and vocational courses. As such, the youths need to have correct attitude and way in their life. On behalf of the families of the Defence Services (Army, Navy and Air), the Senior General expressed his wish for the youths to become the best outstanding leaders for the nation. 

Next, the Senior General and the youths of navigation and aviation training courses exchanged gifts. Ma Hsu Nwe Nwe Oo of the Navigation Training Course and Ma Naw Ei Chan of the Aviation Training Course from Pathein spoke words of thanks.

The Myawady Music Band entertained those present with songs.

After that, the Senior General and party cordially greeted the youths of two training courses.

Before attending the ceremony, the youths viewed arms manufactured by the Myanmar Tatmadaw, various military equipment used in Defence Services (Army, Navy and Air), signal machinery manufactured by the Myanmar Tatmadaw, scale models of vessels produced by the Defence Services (Navy), navigating equipment, signal equipment, diving and rescue equipment, naval equipment, scale models of airplanes and helicopters used in the Defence Services (Air), uniforms and military equipment of pilots, aviation physiobiological booths, equipment of meteorological systems manufactured by the Defence Services (Air) and demonstration on flying of airplane with the use of simulator at the Zeyathiri Parlour. Officials replied to queries raised by the youths.

The basic and advanced navigation youth course No. (1/2016) and the basic and advanced aviation youth course No. (1/2016) were conducted at naval region command headquarters and airbases from 25 April to 20 May 2016. Both training courses lasted four weeks each. In the last week, youths from various camps gathered at the intercamp contests and made excursions. Conducting the navigation and aviation courses started in 2014. The advanced courses were opened for the youths who attended the basic course in 2015. Up to now, the Tatmadaw has turned 2,002 youths— 703 youths in the basic navigation course and 217 youths in the advanced course as well as 1,002 youths in the basic aviation course and 80 youths in the advanced course. (100)

The Myawady Daily

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