
Monday, February 29, 2016

All must steadfastly strive in all seriousness to provide country with full and complete protection without fail

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing cordially converses with Tatmadawmen at Pathein station.

The Senior General delivers an address at Hainggyi Island station.

Daw Kyu Kyu Hla presents cash for maternal and child welfare association through an official.

Nay Pyi Taw February 29

Efforts must be made for the troops to have combat prowess and capability for fully serving the defence duty which is Tatmadaw’s main task. In all seriousness, all must steadfastly strive to provide the country with full and complete protection without fail by fittingly and unwavering shouldering the unit missions and duties of Tatmadaw while understanding the national cause, urged Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at his separate meetings with officers, other ranks and families of Pathein and Hainggyi Island stations.

The Senior General together with his entourage held the meeting with officers, other ranks and families at South-West Command yesterday morning.

After the meeting the Senior General presented books on knowledge and art and foodstuffs for them, his wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla cash for station maternal and child welfare association, Joint Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy, Air) Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Khin Aung Myint foodstuffs and Maj-Gen Aung Kyaw Zaw of Office of the Commanderin- Chief (Army) sports equipment through the command commander and officials. The Senior General and party then cordially greeted officers, other ranks and families.

Afterwards, the Senior General met with officers, other ranks and families of Panmawady Naval Region Command Headquarters at the HQ. After the meeting the Senior General presented foodstuffs and cloths manufactured by Tatmadaw factories, Daw Kyu Kyu Hla cash for station maternal and child welfare association, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Tin Aung San foodstuffs and Lt-Gen Mya Tun Oo of Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) sports equipment. The Senior General and party then cordially conversed with those present.

At the meetings the Senior General pointed out the need to conduct trainings for enhancement of combat prowess, stressing the importance of training promotion to think and act in accord with the changing strategies and real situation and to face and work under any circumstance. Soldiers must undergo constant training to be skilled in their missions. Only then will they have the higher ability through qualification and self-confidence.

With regard to democracy, he said discipline and law are to be paid heed in a democratic society. Representatives elected by the people are to manage in line with laws and provisions and give 

leadership respectively. At present, democracy is being established in line with the constitution and the involvement of military representatives in concerned parliaments is legitimate. The Tatmadaw would cooperate in line with law in bringing about peace and stability in the country, national unity, and national development. The Tatmadaw is mainly responsible for protecting democracy rather than implementing it, he added.

The Tatmadaw historically had to save the country when it was on the verge of collapsing as a result of weak points in the constitution and the involvement of foreigners and mixed blood in politics, administration and economy of the country, and for this reason, the Tatmadaw dares not risk any threat to Our Three Main National Causes.

Regarding the unity, he said the country saw a competition between socialist system and democratic system after it regained independence. He said that most of the countries that had lost independence and gone through wars tended to accept socialist concepts at that time. People had personal sufferings and grudge as a result of the adopted political system and there had been dislike for the Tatmadaw and government because of those sufferings and grudge, he said calling on service personnel to build solid unity within the establishment and act with good will to establish good military-civilian relationship.

As regards the battalion/unitwise and manageable scale farming activities of the Tatmadaw, he said salaries, allowances, rations and entitlements, which service personnel are enjoying allow  them lead a decent living, but service personnel need to do farming on a manageable scale as well as collectively for the establishment for better living. In so doing, he said service personnel should focus for their consumption rather than generating income for their concerned battalions, and are therefore need to effectively cultivate and breed the things which are suitable in their concerned regions, which will balance the supply and demand in the local market and help stabilize the commodity price.

With regard to the correct leadership, the Senior General noted that as the Tatmadaw is a large and strong institution, the Tatmadawmen need to discharge their duties efficiently with mutual respects among them like the law of reciprocity. The good activity of the Tatmadaw depends on correct functions of both leaders and subordinates. All subordinates will follow the correct leadership with obedience and disciplinary activities. Leaders are to make equal terms of management and assignment over the subordinates. He urged the whole Tatmadaw without dividing the services of Army, Navy and Air Force to unitedly follow the  correct leadership.

The Senior General and party asked after the officer and other rank patients at the military hospital in Hainggyi Island and comforted them individually. He then presented gifts to the patients. 

Likewise, Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of the Senior General, and party also comforted family members who are receiving medical treatments at the hospital and presented gifts.

After that, the Senior General and party viewed round the naval command headquarters in a motorcade. At the parlour, the commander of Panmawady Naval Region Command reported to the Senior General on accomplishments of the project and progress in carrying out four construction tasks of the military unit.

The Senior General gave instructions on taking security measures of the seas at full capacity, effective undertaking of welfare tasks for family members of servicemen in the island area, and successful growing of trees and mangrove forests. (100) 

The Myawady Daily

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