
Sunday, November 22, 2015

JICA to build viewpoint in Bagan

Nann Myint Viewing Tower is the ideal one stop viewpoint for visitors to Bagan 
to see the wonders of over 2000 ancient architectural temples ..

Yangon November 22

With the aim of developing tourism in Bagan, Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will implement a viewpoint in which visitors can enjoy sunrise and sunset in Bagan, in 2016, an official from the JICA says.

This is one of 16 pilot projects being implemented for tourism development in Bagan Region. Necessary works for the project have started. At the request of Myanmar government, the JICA’s expert team has developed the threeyear projects for ensuring better reception system, infrastructural development and human resources development as of November, 2014.

In doing so, the team will classify it into three sectors—promoting tourism administration, setting the basic needs for tourism and promoting human resources. Firstly, the team hosted Bagan region tourism website. The pilot project covers establishment of information center, construction of viewpoint and tour routes.

In addition, the archeology department under the Culture Ministry has classified the Bagan region into monument zone, ancient zone, hotel zone and prevention zone in order that the region includes in the world culture heritage list.

Bagan received the tourist arrival of more than 160,000 till the end of September this year. The last year’s tourist arrival was more than 230,000.

The Myawady Daily, Page (19)

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