
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tatmadaw continues to take an active part in building a peaceful, modern, developed nation

Senior General addressing the officers and rankers and their families of 
Mawlamyine Station at Aung San Hall.

Nay Pyi Taw, October 6

The Tatmadaw, to serve its main responsibility which is the defence of State,needs to have fighting prowers and training is the key to it, said Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing as he addressed the officers and rankers and their families of Mawlamyine Station this morning. He called on them to serve public interests by devoting themselves to regional development works in their region and urged the Tatmadaw to continue to take an active part in building a peaceful, modern, developed nation, establishing the prestige of Tatmadaw.

Also present on the occasion were Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, the wife of the Senior General, Joint Chief of Staff (Army, Navy, Air) Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Khin Aung Myint, Commanderin- Chief (Navy) Vice Admiral Tin Aung San and senior military officers from Commander-in-Chief Office (Army), and Commander of South East Command Brig-Gen Myo Win.

The Senior General said that the Tatmadaw has undergone reforms and is serving only its legitimate duties as the country is moving toward a multi-party democracy. The Tatmadaw has won the public recognition as it is righteously serving the assigned duties based on regimentation and good discipline. Policies were adopted and carried out to enable Tatmadawmen to stand on their own and measures were also taken over the time to provide the Tatmadaw with access to good quality of life. As education promotion programs and health care services are also being carried out and provided, armed forces are to take part in those processes properly, he said. Tatmadawmen are responsible to bring about stability, unity and development, which is the policy of the Tatmadaw, he stressed. 

The Senior General then presented computers and accessories for schools and publications for the station library and note books for students of the Tatmadawmen. 

The wife of the Senior General also donated cash to the funds of the Maternal and Child Welfare Association of South East Command.

General Khin Aung Myint presented foodstuffs and Quartermaster General Lt-Gen Nyo Saw sports gear through officials.

The Myawady Daily, Page(18)


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