
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Nay Pyi Taw hosts Myanmar Global Investment Forum

Yangon, September 17

Once again Nay Pyi Taw hosted the Myanmar Global Investment Forum at which Myanmar’s political and business leaders holding talks with global investors and executives.

Co-sponsored by Euromoney Conference, more than 800 local and international participants were focusing on Myanmar’s economy in their discussions as the country prepares for a new government.

Some important topics at the two-day forum on 15 and 16 this month included Capturing Investment Opportunities in Myanmar; Myanmar’s Business Leaders: 2016 Outlook; Liberalising the Banking Sector; Energy: Powering Myanmar’s Growth; Unlocking the Golden Land’s Natural Resources and Mining Industry; Integrating Myanmar’s Robust Agricultural Market into the Region; Focus: SEZ Development and Infrastructure; Developing Myanmar’s Tourism Industry; and Myanmar Real Estate and Urban Planning.

In his keynote address, Chairman of Myanmar Investment Commission U Zeyar Aung said the country still needs more foreign investment for creating a better environment and infrastructures strong enough to further develop heavy industries. U Zeyar Aung, who is also the Minister for Energy, singled out the labor intensive businesses such as developers and industries, as businesses where foreign investment is welcomed more to create job opportunities for Myanmar citizens.

Total investment volume in Myanmar during the period between 1988 when the country started adopting market economy and 31 August this year reaches over USD 57 billion, in which more than 25 percent of the cash flows into Myanmar from its neighbor China.

The forum at Myanmar International Convention Centre 2 also aimed at serving as bridge between the private sector and government for national economic progress and helping investors find pioneer markets.

The Myawady Daily, Page(18)


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