
Monday, August 3, 2015

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing gives words of encouragement, cash and other aids to flood victims in Rakhine State

The Senior General gives foodstuffs to flood victims in Mrauk Oo.

Nay Pyi Taw August 3

Commander in Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing together with Rakhine State Chief Minister U Maung Maung Ohn, senior military officers of the office of the Commander-in-Chief and the commander of Western Command arrived at the Viewpoint in Sittway this morning and observed the situation of rising tides and preventive measures. Then, the Senior General and party went to the Sittway Airport and observed the arrival of Tatmadaw Mobile Health Care Units and medicines, foodstuffs, clothes, fibre boats and relief aids, the process of sending these aids to flooded areas.The Senior General fulfilled the needs. 

Afterwards, the Senior General and party boarded the Tatmadaw Choppers sending foodstuffs and supplies to Mrauk Oo. On arrival in Mrauk Oo the Senior General gave words of encouragement to flood victims at people’s sport ground.

Subsequently, the Senior General gave supplies to flood victims.

After that, the Senior General and party arrived in Minbya and met with flood victims at local battalion hall and gave words of encouragement to flood victims. They then gave foodstuffs and supplies to the victims. Later, they observed the floods in Minbya in a motorcade.

Back in Sittway, they presented a flood relief aid of K 450 million donated by Kanbawza Bank Limited, Gate Way company and hoteliers through the chief minister. 

The Myawady Daily, Page (18)


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