
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

U Bein Bridge to charge entry fees from foreigners

U Bein Bridge and Taungthaman Lake

Yangon June 2

Entry fees will be collected from foreigners, not from locals after U Bein Bridge, at the age of nearly 160 year old, is repaired, said Dr. Myint Kyu, Cultural Minister for Mandalay Region.

U Bein Bridge, with the length of 3976 feet (or) 1.2 km, is made up of teak and the longest wooden bridge in the world and locals as well as foreigners usually visit this bridge when they are in Mandalay.

Currently, Mandalay Region Government has proposed a project worth of K-200 million to the Union Government to repair U Pain Bridge and the security personnel will be placed on the bridge after the bridge is repaired.

If the entry fees is collected from foreigners, the money can be used in adding suitable decorations to the bridge, said conservationists, adding that the ecology system of Taungthaman Lake should be effectively conserved because U Bein Bridge is built crossing Taungthaman Lake.

U Bein Bridge is a crossing that spans the Taungthaman Lake near Amarapura in Myanmar. The bridge was built around 1850 and is believed to be the oldest and longest teakwood bridge in the world.

Construction began when the capital of Ava Kingdom moved to Amarapura, and the bridge is named after the may or who had it built. It is used as an important passageway for the local people and has also become a tourist attraction and therefore a significant source of income for souvenir sellers.

It is particularly busy during July and August when the lake is at its highest.

Aye Nyein Thu


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